Arms and Armaments
Alien Species

This elegant weapon for a more civilized age is the hallmark of Jedi and Sith alike

What is a lightsaber

This planet is the centre of the universe, and the seat of Republic government.

What is Coruscant?


Known for heavy, mechanical breathing and small margins for error, this Sith Lord was a commanding presence. 

Who is Darth Vader?


These "Walking carpets" speak a roaring language called Shyriiwook and are known to tear people's arms out of their sockets when they lose.

What are Wookiees


Fought on the forest moon of this planet, it resulted in the destruction of the second Death Star, and the deaths of Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader.

What is the Battle of Endor?

That's no moon, but a space station designed to destroy entire planets!

What is the Death Star?


This planet was wiped from the Jedi archives, and was where the Clone army for the Republic was cloned.

What is Kamino?


This child of questionable heritage led the Resistance to victory over the First Order

Who is Rey Skywalker?


Famously resistant to Jedi mind manipulation tricks, this blue flying species has an elongated snout and webbed feet. 

What are Toydarians?


This battle on a mineraloid planet pitted the overmatched Resistance against the First Order, and was essentially a fighting retreat for the Resistance. 

What is the Battle of Crait?


The signature weapon of Chewbacca, much heavier and more accurate than your average blaster.

What is a bowcaster?


This ice planet was a Rebel stronghold before it was evacuated.

What is Hoth?


This four-armed restauranteur operated a successful diner on Coruscant after a seedy past in the outer rim, and was fast friends with Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Who is Dexter Jettster?


This species had a crown of short, spiked horns, often wore facial tattoos, and produced a notable Sith Lord and apprentice.

What are Zabraks?


A large scale engagement involving many Jedi, it evolved from a rescue operation for a captive Obi-Wan Kenobi, resulting in heavy casualties.

What is the First Battle of Geonosis?


Han Solo modified this blaster to suit his style of fighting, but the base model was known to be reliable and accurate.

What is a DL-44 blaster?


This planet was the source of Kyber Crystals for Jedi Lightsabers, and later became the weapon known as Starkiller Base. 

What is Ilum?

LIVE SLUG REACTION: this mechanic worked on Resistance ships during their war with the First Order.

Who is Klaud?


Known for shrewd business sense and cost-benefit analysis, this species is mainly associated with Nute Gunray and the Trade Federation. 

Who are Nemoidians?


This battle was fought early in the Clone Wars, and marked the first battle for Padawan Ahsoka Tano.

What is the Battle of Christophsis?


The standard issue weapon for Clone Commandos, it was known for its reliability and various attachments.

What is a DC-17 repeating blaster?


Home to an ancient and warlike people, this planet maintained neutrality in the Clone Wars before being destroyed by constant infighting and the Empire.

What is Mandalore?


This Archduke was leader of the Geonosians during the Clone Wars.

Who is Poggle the Lesser?


These bankers controlled the InterGalactic Banking Clan, and essentially all commerce in the galaxy, they have very long, thin heads and pale grey skin. 

Who are the Muun?


A rescue operation by the Torrent Company of the 501st Legion under the command of General Anakin Skywalker, this battle saw all but 6 of the Clone Company wiped out by battle droids on this remote planet.

What is the Battle of Teth?