Grants / Aid
Types of federalism
Court Cases I
Court Cases II
Voter / State Action
Money from the national government that states can spend within broad guidelines determined by Washington
What is block grant
A political system in which there are local (territorial, regional, state, or municipal) units of government, as well as a national government; powers are shared between the local units and the national government
What is federalism
Chief Justice Rehnquist's opinion for the Court flatly stated: "The Act neither regulates a commercial activity nor contains a requirement that the possession be connected in any way to interstate commerce. We hold that the Act exceeds the authority of Congress '[t]o regulate Commerce . . . among the several States. . . .'"
What is U.S. v. Lopez (1995)
Racial discrimination in public accommodations disrupted interstate commerce for those who were discriminated against
What is the Heart of Atlanta Hotel v. U.S.
Process that permits voters to put legislative measures directly on the ballot
What is initiative
Money given by the national government to the states with conditions.
What is grant-in-aid
involves the offer of money from the national government to the states in the form of grants to promote national ends such as public welfare, environmental standards, and educational improvements.
What is fiscal federalism
o Regulation of U.S. Constitution had a commerce clause that allowed the federal government to regulate commerce; related to a steam boat
What is Gibbons v. Ogden (1824)
Congress could apply minimum-wage requirements to the states and their localities
What is Garcia v. San Antonio Metropolitan Transit Authority (1985)
Procedure whereby voters can remove an elected official from office
What is recall
Federal grant for a specific purpose, such as building an airport
What is categorical grant
"marble cake federalism," involved the national and state governments sharing functions and collaborating on major national priorities. This relationship predominated between 1930 and 1960.
What is cooperative federalism
o Hamilton's creation of the National Bank - no power to create banks is delegated the Federal Government, however it was deemed necessary and proper to form a bank to aid in Congress's power to coin money and regulate the economy.
What is McCullough v. Maryland (1819)
Congress could not regulate governmental activities that were an integral part of state sovereignty (states have authority over their employees)
What National League of Cities v. Usery (1976)
Procedure enabling voters to reject a measure passed by the legislature
What is referendum
Terms set by the national government that states must meet if they are to receive certain federal funds
What is conditions of aid
Doctrine holding that the national government is supreme in its sphere, the states are supreme in theirs, and the two spheres should be kept separate
What is dual federalism
States could not regulate commerce that went beyond their boundaries. Instead, regulation had to come from the federal government.
What is Wabash, St. Louis and Pacific RR v. Illinois (1886)
Supreme Court deferred to congressional interpretation of its commerce power
What is Wickard v. Filburn (1942)
The doctrine that a state can declare null and void a federal law that, in the state’s opinion, violates the Constitution
What is nullification
Terms set by the national government that states must meet whether or not they accept federal grants
What is mandate
"on your own federalism," is characterized by further devolution of power from national to state governments, deregulation, but also increased difficulty of states to fulfill their new mandates. This period began in 1981 and continues to the present.
What is new federalism
Overturned Violence Against Women Act of 1994, stating that attacks against women do not substantially affect interstate commerce
What is United States v. Morrison (2000)
has interpret the commerce clause as an expansion and contraction of the power of the federal government
What is how the Supreme Court has interpreted
a reduction in federal regulations and a shift in responsibility for programs to the states
What is devolution