Social Studies

' He was running outside'

The verb in the sentence.

What is the word, 'running'?


The south in the civil war.

What is the Confederates?


An universal chart to organize every element.

What is the periodic table?


The opposite of a quadratic.

What is a square root function?




What must be done to the name of a book when citing it?



When the US gained freedom.

What is 1776?


The maker of the periodic table.

Who is Dimitri Mendeelev



The y-intercept.

What is the point (0,10)


Number of planets in the solar system.

What is 8?


What does it mean for an apostrophe to go after a word[EX: My friends']

Shows both plural and possesion.


How did the US get supplies to West Germany after WW2?

What is the Berlin Airlift?

What does a population refer to?

What is the group of the same species living in the same area?


Which triangle congruence criteria is valid?


What is ASA?


What does a community refer to?

All the biotic factors of an ecosystem living in the same area.


The theme of the following story:

Once in a small village by the forest, there lived a woodcutter named Aiden. He was known for his hard work and, more importantly, his unwavering honesty. Each day, he ventured into the forest to gather wood, which he would then sell in the market to support his family.

One day, while cutting a tree near the river, Aiden's axe slipped from his hands and fell into the river. Desperate, he searched for it, but it was nowhere to be found. The axe was his only means of livelihood, and without it, he couldn't provide for his family.

As he sat by the riverbank, lamenting his loss, a mystical figure emerged from the water. It was the River Spirit, who had seen Aiden's misfortune. The Spirit held out a golden axe and asked, "Is this your axe?"

Aiden, despite knowing that the golden axe could solve all his financial troubles, shook his head and replied, "No, that is not my axe."

The River Spirit then presented a silver axe and once again asked, "Is this your axe?" Again, Aiden replied with a firm "No."

Finally, the River Spirit brought out an axe that was identical to Aiden's lost one. Aiden's eyes lit up, and he said, "Yes, that is indeed my axe. Thank you!"

Impressed by Aiden's honesty, the River Spirit rewarded him with not only his original axe but also the silver and golden axes. Aiden's integrity had paid off, and he returned home not just with his tool but also with a fortune.



Name 3 proxy wars that happened during the Cold War.

What is the Korean war, Cuban missile crisis, and the Vietnam war.


Which happened first event D or E?

What is Event D?


Which is better?

Subject A finishes event A in 30 seconds(lower is better) The mean of event A is 50 seconds with a standard deviation of 10 seconds.

Subject B finishes Event B with a score of 100(Higher is better) The mean of event B is 90 with a standard deviation of 10.

What is Subject A?


A) Rock B)Scissors C) Paper

The correct answer is A) Rock


Provide the Theme and Gist of the following story:

The Labyrinth of Choices:

In the heart of an ancient city stood a labyrinth, not of hedges or stone, but of ever-shifting possibilities. At its center was the Oracle of Destinies, a being said to grant the truest desire of any who reached it. Many entered the labyrinth, but few found their way, for the path was not fixed and changed with each choice made within.

Evelyn, a scholar of great intellect, entered the labyrinth with the hope of finding the ultimate knowledge. She navigated through riddles and illusions, each decision branching into new paths laden with more enigmas. The labyrinth tested her logic, her courage, and her very sense of self.

As she ventured deeper, the challenges grew more personal, reflecting her fears, regrets, and unspoken dreams. She encountered mirrors that showed not her reflection but her possible futures. She met shadows of herself, each embodying a choice she had once made or could make.

After what seemed like an eternity, Evelyn stood before the Oracle. It asked her a simple question, "What is your truest desire?" Evelyn, with clarity born from her journey, realized that her desire for knowledge was but a mask for her fear of uncertainty.

She answered, "I desire the wisdom to embrace the unknown and the courage to make choices not for their certainty, but for their possibility."

The Oracle smiled, and the labyrinth dissolved around her. She found herself outside, not with the answer she sought, but with a newfound understanding of life's labyrinthine nature.

Gist:The story follows Evelyn, a scholar seeking ultimate knowledge, as she navigates a metaphysical labyrinth that challenges her with riddles and reflections of her own personality.

Theme: How complicated life is & The Journey is often more valuable than the destination


Why does the US hate communism?

The US hates communism because they believe in protecting the rights of their citizens and in communism several rights are taken away such as the first amendment rights, and the right to vote.


A lake is next to a big farm, recently in the summer algae growth has grown more than it did last summer(when there wasn't a farm) what is the most probable cause for the high algae growth?

What is run-off nitrates from fertilizer?


A right triangle has the following sine value for angle A 12/13 find cosine for A and B, find the tan value for A and B, and find the value for sine of B.

CosB=12/13 CosA=5/13

TanB=5/12 TanA=12/5



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