Mama said...
Strange facts about Presidents
Bird facts
U.S. Government

"Red sky at night, sailor's delight. Red sky in morning, sailor's ______________?

What is "take warning".

Red sky at night indicates good weather the next day, but a red sky in the morning can indicate the good weather has passed.


Who was the first president to visit all 50 states?

Richard Nixon


These birds were once used to detect toxic gases in mines.

What are canaries.


What is the address of the White House?

1600 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington D.C.


What Charles Dickens novel begins with the sentence,"It was the best of times,it was the worst of times"?

What is "A Tale of Two Cities".


This is good for the soul as well as for a cold.

What is Chicken Soup.


Who was the shortest president?

James Madison.


This beautiful white bird was hunted for its feathers. The feathers were used to make quill pens.

What are swans.


Who was the youngest elected president?

John F. Kennedy.

He was 43 years old.


What marble work of Michaelangelo's is found in St.Peter's Basilica?

What is Michelangelo's Pieta.


Put one of these near your legs under the bottom sheet to reduce the frequency of leg cramps.

What is a Bar of Soap.

Many people swear by this old wives' tale, but doctors suggest increasing your magnesium intake would be more helpful for reducing leg cramps.


This U.S. President was a model for Cosmopolitan, appearing in a cover illustration he posed for in 1942.

Who was Gerald Ford.


Parrots can learn to say hundreds of words. True or false.



Who was the president when the Baby Boomers era began in 1946?

Who was Harry Truman.


What Disney Song does "A Whole New World"  belong to?

What is Aladdin.


This digestive problem in pregnant women foretells a hairy baby.

What is Heartburn.

Thats what a Johns Hopkins University study suggestes. The point of the study was to disprove the wives' tale, but it confirmed the claim instead.


This U.S. president managed a football team at Stanford.

Who was Herbert Hoover.However, he was a little bit Holden Caulfield about his role. In 1892, Stanford vs. Cal, he forgot to bring the game ball.


These birds have the largest eyes of any land animal.

What are Ostriches.

Their eyes are approximately the size of billard balls and are larger than their brains!


Which president was known as the 'Conservationist President'?

Theodore 'Teddy' Roosevelt.

He created 150 national forests, 51 federal bird reserves, 5 national parks, and 4 national game preserves.


This is the Author of "The Picture of Dorian Grey".

Who is Oscar Wilde.


This monthly occurrence seemingly turns some people into lunatics.

What is, A Full Moon.

There is no empirical evidence to back this up, but there is a mountain of anecdotal evidence, including higher rates of ER Admissions. The words lunatic and lunar come from the Roman goddess Lunar.


This president bet white house china on a poker game.

Who is Warren Harding.

(It was a priceless set. And he lost. Not the only example of corruption in his administration.


These birds are one of the smartest animals. When it comes to intelligence, these birds rate along side chimpanzees and dolphins.

What is the Raven.


This president supposedly got stuck in a bathtub.

Who is William Howard Taft.

He topped the scales at over 350 pounds, he was a true political heavyweight. "Big Bill" was the only man to serve as both U.S. president and Supreme Court chief justice.


Who is the host of The Original Twilight Zone Series?

Who is Rod Serling.
