Rhetorical Devices
Context Clues

Define 'pathos', 'logos', and 'ethos'. 

Pathos = Emotional Appeal

Logos = Logical Appeal

Ethos = Appeal to Authority/Ethics


What belongs to you, but is only used by others?

Your name!


Define Dramatic Irony

When the audience/reader knows something that characters in the story do not.


Based on the following sentence, determine the meaning of the word 'appointed'.

When the students showed up for their class, they were appointed a worksheet, a pencil, and a short story that they needed to complete before the end of class.

Given. Equipped with.


Which of the following is an example of an idiom?

A.) Costs an arm and a leg - an idiom because it's definition is very different from what is actually being said.

B.) As light as a feather - an idiom because it uses like or as to compare something's weight to a feather.

C.) Her class is a zoo! - an idiom because it compares her classroom to a zoo without like or as

D.) The pencil leaped from her hand and flung itself to her feet. - an idiom because it gives human characteristics to a non living thing.



Which rhetorical appeal is being used here?

If you act now and donate every single penny of your savings account to our foundation, you will save the lives of many homeless animals!



What goes up, but never comes back down?

Your age!


Define Situational Irony.

When a situation turns out the opposite of what you expected.


Based on the following sentence, determine the meaning of the word 'amiable'.

Even though they normally fought, Aaron and his brother pretended to be amiable toward each other, so their mother would let them go to the arcade.

Friendly; on good terms.


How should I cite the following passage?

"The journey to the moon was a surreal odyssey, unlike anything we had ever experienced. As we soared through the infinite expanse of space, the Earth shrank to a distant blue marble, a mere speck in the vastness of the cosmos. Stepping onto the lunar surface felt like stepping onto another world entirely, the barren landscape stretching out before us in shades of gray and charcoal. We marveled at the tranquility of the lunar landscape, the silence broken only by the soft crunch of our boots on the powdery regolith. Gazing up at the Earth hanging in the sky, we were overcome with a profound sense of awe and humility, realizing just how small and interconnected our world truly is."

Perry Johnson My Trip to the Moon. Page 33

(Johnson 33).


Which rhetorical appeal is being used here?

You should really encourage all of your friends to attend Copper Canyon High School. Copper is a great place to earn a good education. The school is located in a very accessible place, it has top rated teachers, and has earned a B rating!



I'm always on the dinner table, but you don't get to eat me. What am I?



What is another word for Verbal Irony?



Based on the following sentence, please determine the meaning of the word 'copious'.

Mallory told her best friend Julia that they needed to make 543 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the students in her theater program. Julia realized they would need a copious amount of peanut butter!

Large amount; abundant supply


Which sentence serves as the overall claim of this passage?

Allowing students to bring their pets to school would enhance the learning environment in numerous ways. Firstly, having pets around can reduce stress and anxiety, promoting a more relaxed atmosphere conducive to learning. Secondly, caring for a pet can teach students responsibility and empathy, valuable life skills that extend beyond the classroom. Additionally, pets can serve as non-judgmental companions, offering emotional support to students who may be struggling. Therefore, permitting pets at school can foster a positive and nurturing educational environment.

Permitting pets at school can foster a positive and nurturing educational environment.


Which rhetorical appeal is being used here?

This new tooth paste will be the best you've ever tried! Even Taylor Swift cannot stop using it. She says it gives her a brighter smile!



You'll find me in Mercury, Earth, Mars, and Jupiter, but not in Venus or Neptune. What am I?

The letter R.


What is ironic about the following passage?

Samantha had been saving up all summer to buy a new bike. She scrimped and saved every penny, even skipping her favorite ice cream treats just to reach her goal. Finally, after months of anticipation, she marched proudly into the bike shop with her hard-earned money.

But as luck would have it, the day she went to buy her dream bike, there was a huge "Buy One, Get One Free" sale on ice cream at the shop next door. Samantha couldn't resist the temptation and ended up spending her entire bike fund on ice cream, leaving the bike shop empty-handed.

Samantha saved for months, not even buying ice cream, so that she could get a new bike. However, when the time came, she ended up spending her money on the ice cream instead of the bike, so she saved for nothing.


Based on the following sentence, please determine the definition for the word, 'impede'.

Jessica needed to get to the store before they closed at 5pm. However, she realized that the traffic was going to impede her arrival.

Delay; prevent


What is the meaning of the underlined metaphor?

Working at Target is like being part of a well-oiled machine, where each employee plays a vital role in keeping the store running smoothly. We are gears in a clock, making sure that customers get the help they need. From stocking shelves to assisting customers at checkout, every task contributes to the overall efficiency of the store. Despite the occasional hectic moments, there's a sense of camaraderie among coworkers, making each shift feel like a shared mission.

They are working together as a team.


If you were trying to sell your teacher a pen, how could you use logos to do this?

Write one sentence that would be an example of a logos sale.

Answers may vary.


I'm light as a feather, yet the strongest person can't hold me for more than five minutes. What am I?

Your breath!

Create one example of either verbal, situational, or dramatic irony and label it accordingly.

Answers may vary.


Based on the following sentence, please determine the definition of the word 'eradicate'.

In order to make sure the house did not collapse, or get destroyed, they needed to eradicate the termites living in the wood.

destroy completely; get rid of


Please fix the 6 errors in the sentence below:

mrs Richardson was invited to the copper canyon prom by Mr. Richardson they had a blast

Mrs. Richardson was invited to the Copper Canyon prom by Mr. Richardson; they had a blast!
