The idea that it is America's God given right and duty to spread American people and ideals from sea to shining sea

What is Manifest Destiny?


Warned European powers not to interfere in the affairs of western hemisphere. Separation of European and American spheres of influence. Opposed European colonialism in US.

What is the Monroe Doctrine? 


Purpose was to combat the influence of alcohol on families and society. Supported 18th amendment. Advocated for better working conditions for labor.

What is the Women’s Christian Temperance Union?


Wilson’s idealistic goals for peace after the war

What is Wilson's 14 points? 


Created at the end if WW2. International peacekeeping organization.

What is the United Nations? 


Accused of libel but acquitted. Sets precedent of free press that you can print negative stories as long as they are true.

What is the Zenger trial?


John Quincy Adams beat Andrew Jackson through more electoral votes by house of representatives although Jackson had more popular votes. Clay told Adams that he would help him win if he appointed Clay as speaker of house.

What is the Corrupt Bargain? (The Election of 1824)


Made over $200 million by securing bribes and manipulating the gov through fake leases and padded bills. Revealed by cartoonist Thomas Nast.

What is the Boss Tweed scandal? 


Established prohibition

What is the 18th amendment? 


United States would provide political, military and economic assistance to all democratic nations under threat from external or internal authoritarian forces

What is the Truman Doctrine? 


In response to resentment of colonists to mercantile system. First law passed by parliament to raise tax revenue for Britain. Increased duties on foreign sugar from west indies. Protests by colonists led to lower taxes.

What is the Sugar Act? 

Purpose was to help speed up development of west-direct access to western states. Improved economies in some cities in New York. Lead New York to industrialization. Decreased cost of transporting goods.

What is the Erie Canal? 


Lincoln sent provisions not reinforcements. South saw it as an act of aggression. Union garrison surrendered. Confederates occupied it and created a valuable hole in union blockade of atlantic seaboard. First battle of civil war.

What is the Battle of Fort Sumter? 


Conflict between fundamentalists and science. Fundamentalists believed that evolution went against God’s teachings and demoralized the youth. ACLU hired Clarence Darrow and made Bryan and fundamentalist cause look foolish. Found guilty and fined for violating Tennessee law.

What is the Scopes Trial? 


Allowed companies the opportunity to make profits while decreasing government regulation. “Trickle down economics”. Encouraged investment. Wanted to stimulate economy. Helped lower tax rates, unemployment, reduce regulations, and end the recession.

What is Reaganomics?


Severe winter. 11,000 soldiers stationed to valley forge and many died of disease. Suffering troops held together by patriot cause and GW.

What is the Winter at Valley Forge?


Appointed civil servants to gov jobs. Based on policy of removing political opponents from federal offices and replacing them with party loyalists. Appointees not always qualified for position. Inefficiencies and corruption.

What is the spoils system? 


This book by Harriet Beecher Stowe heightened northern support for abolition.

What is Uncle Tom's Cabin? 


Illegal for Americans to sell arms to any country at war, banned loans to the nations that were fighting, allowed trade but aimed to prevent foreign entanglements. Abandonment of freedom of the seas.

What is the Neutrality Acts? 


Called for a land space based shield against nuclear attack. Congress approved billions for development. Criticized as unfeasible.

What is Star Wars (strategic defense initiative)?


Britain agreed to evacuate northwest territory to compensate for depredations against american shipping, to end discrimination against american shipping and grant US trading privileges in england and british east indies

What is Jay's Treaty?


Gave America all territory from Texas to California north of rio grande. US paid $15 million. $3.5 million in debts from Mexico to US were solved.

What is the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo? 


This speech hoped to unite everyone under compromise of 1850. Advised north to let go of anti slavery measures and comply with a stronger fugitive slave law. Warned south about disunion leading to war.

What is the 7th of March Speech by Daniel Webster? 


Allowed sales or loans of war materials to any country whose defense the president deemed vital to the defense of US

What is the lend-lease program? 


Beginning of collapse of communist Eastern Europe. Showed supremacy of capitalist gov system and brought downfall of communist countries. Soviet union withdrew troops from East Germany.

What is the fall of the Berlin Wall? 
