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This Quaker founded the Providence of Pennsylvania

William Penn


Rather than growing crops for them to eat, many farmers began starting to grow these crops in the South.

Cash Crops (Indigo, Tobacco, Sugar)


The Spanish used this forced labor system which required natives to convert their religion and live on plantations

The Encomienda System


This nation was greatly invested in trading for furs with native populations.

The French


European nations, like France and Britain, used this economic system to bring profits back to the mother country from the Americas. (By controlling trade)



This English Puritan was a leader in founding the Massachusetts Bay Colony

John Winthrop


Instead of heading to North America to set up colonies for European nations, many people began moving there for many different reasons. List two of these reasons.

Some reasons people moved to North America were for Religious freedom, money, and political liberty


This fight between Native Americans and the New England Colonies began after 3 Native Americans were killed (Although tensions were already high)

King Philips War (Metacom's War)


As the Spanish kept pushing more and more north, and colonizing more and more Native American's land on the west coast, this revolt was the first major stopping/slowing point the Spanish had.

Pueblo Revolt


The trade of Tobacco, Sugar, and Cotton to Europe, Textiles and manufactured goods to Africa, and slaves to the Americas was called the _________.

Triangular Trade


In this major religious movement in the 1730s, called the __________, a pastor named ________ emphasized emotion in his sermons. 

The Great Awakening, George Whitefield


As more and more people came to North America, many of them were escaping religious prosecution from European countries.
Many of the New England Colonies were _______, while the "Middle" Colonies, however, did / didn't (choose one) have one major religion. Lastly, the Southern colonies were very / not very (choose one) invested in religion, along with their farming. (Must have ALL 3 for the points)

1. Puritans/English Protestants

2. They did not have one major religion, as they were religiously diverse, with Quakers, Mennonites, Lutherans, Dutch Calvinists, and Presbyterians.

3.The southern colonies were not heavily invested in religion.
(Must have ALL 3 for the points)


This rebellion in Virginia, called _____'s Rebellion, started because Governor William Berkeley wouldn't drive ________ out of Virginia. (Both needed for the points)

1. Bacon's Rebellion
2. Native Populations/People
(Both needed for the points)


The _______, or those who preached the new ideas from the Great Awakening, were distinctly different from the ________, or those who embraced the traditional ways of preaching. (Both needed for the points)

New Lights - New, emotional preachers

Old Lights - Traditional

(Both needed for the points)


This very grueling stretch of water between Africa and America that many slaves were brought through on ships was called __________.

The Middle Passage
