Camping Foods
Things you Bring
What do you do?
Survival Questions

You can roast me over the campfire to make a tasty treat.

What is a Marshmallow?


This helps item helps you find your way in the dark.

What is a flashlight or a lantern? 


This is what you do when you want to explore the area.

What is a hike or walk? 


If you suddenly feel like you're lost, what should you do? a. Turn around and run as fast as you can back the way you came. b. Hike downhill to reach civilization. c. Hike to the top of a hill so you can get a view of the surrounding area. d. Stop right where you are and wait for someone to find you.

What is Stop right where you are and wait for someone to find you? 


I am a small animal and almost resemble a rat.

What is a squirrel? 


I am made from Potatoes and am crunchy. You can eat me with dip or plain and I come in many flavors.

What are Potato Chips?


You use this item as a place to rest your head. 

What is a Pillow? 


This is something you do when you want to get cooled off. 

What is Swim? 


What is the best way to make a noise signal to call for help? a. Shout the word "help" three times each minute. b. Scream at the top of your lungs. c. Blow a signal whistle. d. Use a stick to bang on a tree trunk.

What is Blow a signal whistle? 


I am a type of bird, you can find me at the beach, and I like to try and get your food.

What is a seagull?


I have many different types. I can be green or macaroni or even potato, what am I?

What is a Salad?


You use these items to eat your food with. 

What are Spoons, forks, knives and plates? 


At night time you make one of these for light, to keep warm, and to keep the bugs away.

What is build a campfire? 


Which color of clothing is the easiest for searchers to see in the forest? a. Green. b. Yellow. c. Blue. d. Purple.

What is Yellow? 


This animal is black and white and likes to get in to your garbage. They also have a stinky smell!

What is a skunk? 


You can cook me over the campfire or on the bbq. I'm long and taste delicious on a bun and with some ketchup or mustard.

What is a Hot Dog?


At night when it's time for bed you climb in this item, zip it up, lay your head down and fall right to sleep. 

What is a sleeping bag? 


This activity involves sand, buckets and shovels. It is often a beach day favorite. 

What is build a sand castle? 


What are the two most important pieces of survival equipment for kids to carry in the woods? a. A map and compass. b. Food and water. c. A signal whistle and a Space Blanket. d. A knife and a fire starter.

What is a signal whistle and a Space Blanket? 


This animal comes out at night, is small and can fly.

What is a bat?


I am a delicious breakfast food and often go well with milk.

What is Cereal?


This is an item you need to put together before you can use it. This item is also used to sleep in.

What is a Tent? 


This activity involves sand, a net and a ball. Hint: You hit the ball over the net. 

What is Volleyball?


What is the most effective way to attract the attention of searchers who are looking for you? a. Use your Space Blanket as a big reflective signal mirror. b. Spread out your most colorful clothing in an open space. c. Blow your signal whistle. d. Flash your signal mirror around in the woods.

What is all of the above?


This animal is quite large, will come to your campsite looking for food, eats mostly fish and berries.

What is a bear? 
