Literary Terms
Lego My Ia-go
Appearance vs. Reality
Home Sweet Home
“They came with dawn over that terrain like the leaves and blades of spring.” What literary term is being used here?
When Odysseus says, "What shall I say first? What shall I keep to the end? The gods have tried me in a thousand ways," one can infer that Odysseus...A. likes to boast about his travels B. is grateful for the feast C. doesn't know where to begin telling his story D. is tired and needs to rest
C. doesn't know where to begin telling his story
In all of Iago's monologues, who is "the Moor" he refers to?
In Othello, who says, "I am not what I am."
Elie and his family are from what country in Europe?
What is the genre (kind of book) of Night?
How does Desdemona factor into Iago's plan to take down Othello?
She will try to help Cassio making herself look suspicious.
When Iago says, "And out of her goodness make the net that shall enmesh them all," what kind of animal does he most sound like and explain why. A. a crab B. a bird C. a fish D. a spider
C. a spider. Spiders weave webs that tangle and trap their prey. Iago is talking about how he will create a master web of lies that will trap Othello, Desdemona, and Cassio.
What does almost everyone in the play call Othello? How do they perceive him compared to how Desdemona sees him?
Almost everyone in the play refers to Othello as The Moor. They see him as a fierce, savage warrior. Desdemona sees him as a hurt soul and loves him for the challenges he has faced.
What street does Esperanza live on and why isn't her house a house she can "point to"?
Esperanza lives on Mango Street. Her house isn't one she can point to, because it isn't the house of her dreams like her mother and father promised it would be. It is cramped and only has one bathroom and she has to share a bedroom with Nenny. A nun even felt sorry for her when Esperanza did point to her house.
All throuhghout the camp, there were signs that read "Warning: Danger of Death." What is this an example of and why?
Irony--Was there a place in the camp where one was NOT in danger of death?
Fill in the blank. If Elie had a hard time publishing Night in Europe, one could infer that the American response was similarly _________. A. highly anticipated B. unenthusiastic C. intense D. unexpected
B. unenthusiastic
Iago has several soliloquies throughout Othello. Describe what a soliloquy is and what the purpose of it is.
A character is alone on stage revealing his thoughts aloud to the audience.
Before Moishe the Beadle is taken away, how is he viewed in the community? How do people view him when he manages to escape and come back?
Moishe the Beadle is viewed as the wise man of the community. When he returns with talk of the brutality of the Nazis, no one believes him and think he's crazy.
What was a ghetto? Why did the Jews actually feel “safer” in this environment than in their actual homes?
The ghettos were blocked off walled-sections of a town where all Jews were forced into. They felt “safer” because, here, they were around their own people and not singled out for being Jewish in their old neighborhoods.
Brabantio tells Othello, “Look to her, Moor, if though hast eyes to see. She has deceived her father, and may thee." What is this an example of and why?
Foreshadowing—Desdemona deceives her father because she married Othello without his permission, then Othello will believe that Desdemona deceived him when she “cheated” on him with Cassio.
If Night were to be compared to a sun that never sets, one could infer that...A. it is considered a classic work of literature B. it has an eco-friendly message C. it has a theme of immorality D. it is set at night
A. it is considered a classic work of literature
When Iago talks about Othello and Desdemona, he says, "His soul is so enfetter'd to her love." What does the word "enfetter'd" mean here?
How is Tom Robinson viewed in the community of Maycomb? How is that different than Atticus' perspective of him?
Tom is viewed as a rapist and a villain in Maycomb. Most of the community thinks he raped Mayella Ewell. However, Atticus knows the truth that he is innocent. He knows Tom is a friendly, humble person who only tried to help Mayella when she was in need.
Elie and his family are removed from their homes, and then once Elie arrives in the camp, he is stripped of his name and given the number A-7713. How does that number psychologically affect Elie and his own identity?
Elie, along with the rest of the prisoners, were first striped of their jobs, then their citizenship, then their homes, then their names, and then many were stripped of their lives. Once Elie and his family lost their home, they slowly started to lose their identity because your home makes up so much of who you are. When Elie was then stripped of his name, he began to lose himself entirely. He no longer was the same boy he was before he entered the camp.
What is the main symbol in Othello? Explain what it is a symbol of explain how it changes throughout the play.
The handkerchief--The handkerchief acts as a symbol of Othello and Desdemona's love and bond. Once it is lost, Desdemona and Othello's love unravels and is tainted by jealousy.
Odysseus talks about his home in The Odyssey. He says, "A rocky isle, but good for a boy's training; I shall not see a place more dear...Where shall a man find sweetness to surpass his own home and parents?" How does Odysseus feel about his home? Explain why.
Odysseus loves his home. He says it was a wonderful place to train for war as a child. He also doesn't believe there is a place a man can find that would be more special than his home or his parents.
When Iago states, "For whiles this honest fool plies Desdemona to repair his fortunes and she for him pleads strongly to the Moor, I'll pour this pestilence into his ear," who is he referring to as "this honest fool"? Explain why.
Cassio--He'll try to honestly ask Desdemona for help by asking her to talk to Othello about getting his position as lieutenant back.
How does Rosa Vargas ("There Was A Woman She Had So Many Children She Didn't Know What to Do") appear to the community of Mango Street? But what does Esperanza tell us about Rosa and her life that tell us otherwise?
The Mango Street community thinks Rosa Vargas has too many kids that cause too much trouble in the neighborhood. However, we know that her husband left her without even a dollar behind to take care of the children and the bills. She is not an awful mother. Rosa is just working around the clock to make enough money to support the family, but that means she doesn't have time to watch her children.
One could argue that Atticus’ home is in the courtroom. How does Atticus’ job affect who he is and what he stands for?
Atticus is a hero in the sense that he stands up for what is right, even if everyone else is against him. He realizes the dangers he puts himself in because of his beliefs, but as a lawyer, he is forced to defend the innocent, no matter the situation. The same morals Atticus abides by in the courtroom, he abides by at home. He is the same person both in and outside the courtroom.