Emergence of
the Renaissance
Marco Polo
& The Silk
Printing Press
Advances and
Important People
Italy is located on this continent.
What is Europe?
Who was Marco Polo?
European traveler who is believed to have traveled into China and into Kublai Khan’s Mongol Empire in the 13th century
During the Renaissance there was a renewed interest in the classical civilizations of _____________ and ____________.
Greece and Rome
Which Renaissance figure had the MOST profound impact on the spread of knowledge and literacy during the era?
Johannes Gutenberg
Some of the best known masterpieces created by Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci were produced during which time period?
The Muslim Moors are followers of which religion?
What is Islam?
Define the Silk Road:
Network of trade routes between Asia and the Mediterranean Sea
During the Renaissance, scholars and artists shifted the focus of their work from theological issues, to a new philosophy called_________________________ which celebrated human achievements.
Gutenberg’s creation of the printing press helped scientists and theologians do what?
Read each others works and spread their ideas
Define Perspective
a way of drawing to show the relationship of objects in a drawing to give the look of depth or distance
Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand forced these people out of Spain in the late 15th century.
Who are the Muslim Moors?
How did Marco Polo impact Europeans?
Polo’s book, The Travels of Marco Polo, sparked European curiosity in Asia and Chinese goods.
Define vernacular
Everyday language that people spoke.
How did Johannes Gutenberg impact literacy rates?
Townspeople were starting to learn to read and think for themselves. Literacy rates increased because as the number of printed books increased, the easier it became people for people learn to read
compare the techniques of Renaissance Art & Middle Ages Art
Renaissance Art techniques: Light, Shadow, Perspective, 3-D, landscape Middle Ages gold background, halos, larger size of holy people, 2-D
The Renaissance started in Italy for these reasons.
What is Ruins and Statues of the old Roman Empire served as inspiration Italian city-states grew wealthy from trade Art flourished because the Italian cities have become very wealth Wealthy citizens could afford to support artists, sculptors, and architects 4. Urban- city life mean more discussion among people
How did the Mongols effect Europe?
The Mongols united much of Asia into one large trading network. The Mongols protected trade along the Silk Road, making it easier and cheaper for caravans to carry goods
During the Renaissance, a strong belief in humanism emerged. Humanism is a philosophy that focuses on ______________________.
Giving importance to the individual and human society Gaining knowledge through reason, not just through religious faith One should be active in their city and should develop their talents
How did the printing press work?
Movable Type
How did Renaissance artists show human beauty in their art?
Renaissance artists studied the human body so that they could portray it accurately through their works. Renaissance artists paid close attention to human detail and emotions.
How did Islamic expansion in the 700s contribute to the emergence of the Renaissance in Europe?
Muslims preserved ancient texts from Greece and Rome which made them available to Europeans.
Who is considered the father of humanism?
Dante wrote the Divine Comedy in a vernacular that could be easily understood. How does this relate to the ideals of humanism?
Stresses the idea that art, literature, and education should be available to everyone
Pick out the 9 topics below that BEST fit to the time period of the Renaissance: The plague, government, the Crusades, Math, Feudalism, Realistic Art, the Catholic Church, science, philosophy, knowledge, reason, humanism, classical civilizations, human beauty
Math Realistic Art Science Philosophy Knowledge Reason Classical Civilizations Humanism Human Beauty
Number your boards 1-8. Place the letter of the individual that matches the achievement # a. Da Vinci B. Michealangelo C. Shakespeare D. Gutenberg 1. Mona Lisa 2. David 3. Henry V 4. The Last Supper 5. Sistine Chapel 6. Romeo and Juliet 7. St. Peters Basilica 8. Movable type printing press
1. a 2. b 3. c 4. a 5.b 6. c 7. b 8. d