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They use patents.
How do pharmaceutical companies protect their intellectual property?
It is called tierced pricing
What is charging a lower price for products in poorer countries called?
The research would be beneficial to their competitors.
Why do companies not share their research?
They represent all the sick people around the world who suffer from serious disease and cannot afford to buy drugs.
Who do the people in the sinking boat and drowning in the sea represent?
They patent their products and sue companies which copy them or sell them at a lower price.
What two methods do pharmaceutical firms implement to prevent counterfeit?
They charge different prices according to the country’s ability to pay.
Why do pharmaceutical companies adapt their price structure in different countries?
It leads to a monopoly and companies do not invest in research or share it.
What drawbacks does the patent system lead to?
The represent the rich, powerful pharmaceutical companies who are the owners of the patents of the drugs which could save those suffering from serious diseases.
Who do the people in the safe boat represent?
What costs the most when making medical products?
They want them to reduce the price of their products in poor countries; especially vaccines.
What do NGOs want pharmaceutical companies to do concerning the price of their products?
…because they make huge amounts of money on patent-protected drugs.
Why do pharmaceutical companies sometimes exaggerate the effectiveness and safety of their product? …because they make huge amounts of money on patent-protected drugs.
These serious illnesses affect them more because they do not have access to patent-protected drugs.
Why are poorer countries affected more by serious diseases?
They adapt their products to the illnesses in the country they sell their products by creating new brands and use tierced pricing.
How have pharmaceutical companies adapted to the modern world?
In order to ensure the quality of the product.
Why is it important to encourage companies to continue investing in research?
…because pharmaceutical companies are extremely rich and they can lobby decision-makers and make campaign donations.
Why will there not be any changes to the patent system?
Research and development is extremely expensive but pharmaceutical companies also benefit from a monopoly situation and can charge what they like.
Why are drugs so expensive?
- They prevent epidemics - If people are healthy, society is more effective - People believe healthcare is a right
Why could pharmaceutical companies be expected to provide their products at a lower price?
- Ensuring a cold chain - Transport - Information on what is missing and what is available
What is one of the major problems with access to medicine in poorer countries?
…because powerful countries have threatened economic sanctions if countries develop the generic industry.
Why has the solution of developing generic drugs not spread?
It is a denunciation of the system of patent-protected drugs.
What is the cartoonist’s message?