The First Presidency
12 apostles
Mixed Bag
The total number of times President Monson spoke (including priesthood session)
What is 4
This apostle talked a lot about tomato plants
Who is Elder Ballard
Elder L. Tom Perry said," Obedience to the law is ______"
This animal ate several birds in the backyard of an apostle. Also name the apostle
What is a snake and President Packer
She is the general Primary President...(She wore yellow :)
Who is Sister Rosemary Wixom
What announcement made by President Monson made Sister Bowler jump up and down and shout for joy?
What is the announcement of a new Temple in Rio de Janeiro!!
This apostle shared a story of forgiveness from Les Mis
Who is Elder Christofferson
Elder Bruce D. Porter shared the story of a roomate singing aloud to a snowy BYU campus the song "Oh what a beautiful morning!" What musical is this from?
What is Oklahoma
Elder Falabella shared a story about buying a one way ticket and being sealed in the Mesa AZ temple. What is his native country?
What is Guatemala
Elder Scott said we could memorize hundreds of scriptures! if we what?
Looked at our phone for scriptures as often as we did for texts
This member of the first presidency focused his talk on Luke 24 and the "road to Emmaus"
Who is Elder Eyring
He said the test of our mortal life is this question "Will I respond to the inclinations of the natural man?"
Who is Elder David Bednar
Who said,"Imperfect people are all God has ever had to work with. That must be terribly frustrating to him. But he deals with it..So should we!"
Who is Elder Holland
When Elder Uchtdorf and his wife were visiting Africa, what experience made them both tear up because of the sweet spirit they felt?
When the electricity went off, the saints began to sing hymns, which they all had memeorized
The prophet gave 4 steps of how to be an effective missionary. What are at least 2?
1. Search the scriptures with diligence 2. Plan your life with purpose 3. Teach with truth and testimony 4. Serve the Lord with Love
President Uchtdorf said, "Darkness cannot stand before the brilliant light of...(6 words)?
The Son of the Living God
His father drew a knight wearing "the full armor of God," after this apostle faced wickedness at High School
Who is Elder Hales
What metaphor did Elder Nelson use for catching the missionary spirit?
Catching the wave
Elder Holland said he almost squeezed the eyeballs out of a 14year old, with a hug. What prompted this vigorous squeezing?
The boy said he believed the church was true, but wasn't sure if he knew the gospel was true yet.
The YM general president shared a story of a bunch of Aaronic priesthood holders. They were given this nickname
Angels in Disguise
The subject of President Monson's 3rd talk
What is Obedience
What was Elder Packer's poem about?
What is age, wisdom & experience. (Sister Bowler will judge if you've said something to that effect)
Elder Erich Kopische gave a 3 step pattern of being accepted of the Lord. What are the 3 steps?
1. Our Heart is open and broken 2. Our spirit is contrite 3. We observe covenants by sacrificing before the Lord
The name of the place President Monson lit on fire when he was 8
What is Vivian Park, Provo, UT
This scripture is written underneath the carpet where the podium now stands in the conference center. Also name the speaker
What is Mosiah 18:9 .."and to stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that ye may be in.. that ye may be redeemed of God," Sister Elaine Dalton