Revolutions 1
Revolutions 2
Which year did Russia drop out of World War I and also begin the Russian Revolution, changing their name to the Soviet Union (or the U.S.S.R.)
1917 (2)
This is the leader who instituted a modernization program in Turkey between 1923-1938.
Ataturk (21)
This was one of the most important motives for the European's "Scramble for Africa" in the late 1800's. (What did Africa have that the Europeans could use?)
natural resources (18)
This economic system believes everyone should be equal. The government controls production & distribution of goods.
Communism (9)
This peace agreement ending World War I was written by France, Great Britain, Italy, & the United States. It made Germany take responsibility for the war and forced them to pay war reparations, give up land, and get rid of their army.
Treaty of Versailles (22)
The Industrial Revolution started in Great Britain in 1750 because Britain has these 2 natural resources.
coal & iron (17)
During the Industrial Revolution, Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels wrote this book, criticizing capitalism and proposing a different economic system.
The Communist Manifesto (12)
The Amritsar Massacre and the Salt March (led by Gandhi) are both associated with independence movements in this country.
India (8)
This group (or class) of people made up 98% of the population in France in the late 1700's. Despite being the poorest, they paid the most in taxes.
3rd Estate (15)
This man's plan to unite Germany involved "blood" and iron."
Otto von Bismarck (4)
This is the reason for both the Sepoy Rebellion and the Boxer Rebellion.
Remove foreign influences (6)
This leader took power in the USSR after Lenin died. He started the 5-year plans, collectivization of agriculture (resulting in mass starvation in the Ukraine), and the Great Purge.
Stalin (14)
This belief was commonly used to justify European imperialism. This theory states that the strong survive and the weak die.
Social Darwinism (23)
This Empire was known as the "Sick Man of Europe."
Ottoman Empire (1)
This geographic condition contributed to the defeat of Napoleon's troops during the invasion of Russia.
harsh winter (11)
This was Vladimir Lenin's slogan during the Russian Revolution of 1917.
"Peace, Land, & Bread." (20)
What did Otto von Bismarck's plan of "blood" and "iron" mean? (What did each word stand for?)
Blood = sacrifice & Iron= industrialization (16)
This was the purpose of the Berlin Conference in 1884.
Divided up Africa amongst the Europeans (5)
This type of government includes the use of violence & terror, censorship of media, blind loyalty to the leader, and extreme nationalism. Adolf Hitler & Benito Mussolini both used this style of leadership.
Fascism (19)
These 2 men helped unify Italy. They were nicknamed "the sword" and "the brain."
Giusseppe Garibaldi (the sword) & Camillo Cavour (the brain) (7)
Put these events in order: *Congress of Vienna helps kings take back power *Robespierre leads the Reign of Terror *Louis XVI raises taxes on the 3rd Estate *Napoleon Bonaparte takes over France & most of Europe
4) Congress of Vienna helps kings take back power 2) Robespierre leads the Reign of Terror 1) Louis XVI raises taxes on the 3rd Estate 3) Napoleon Bonaparte takes over France & most of Europe (10)
Toussiant L'Ouverture led an independence movement in _____________ (against the _____________,) while Simon Bolivar and Jose de San Martin led an independence movement in _______________________ (against ____________.)
Haiti, France; South America, Spain (24)
This was the method Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. both used to achieve their goals. It emphasized nonviolently breaking the laws.
Civil disobedience (3)
This was one of Woodrow Wilson's 14 Points after World War I. It is an organization to which countries send representatives to resolve problems peacefully and prevent future wars. It failed because the US failed to join, but today we have a similar organization, called the United Nations.
League of Nations (13)
These are all the causes of World War I (long-term & short-term.)
Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, Nationalism & assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand (25)