African Americans, the Law, and Civil Rights
Black Media
African American Music
and Artists
This constitutional amendment gave African Americans the right to vote stating that "right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude."
What is the 15th amendment?
W.E.B. DuBois became the first African American to receive a Ph.D. from this ivy league university.
What is Harvard?
The Harlem Renaissance began during this decade of the twentieth century.
What is 1920s?
Julie Dash's groundbreaking film that aired nationally on PBS in the 1990s and depicted the Gullah culture of the sea islands off the coast of South Carolina and Georgia.
What is "Daughters of the Dust"?
This song, written as a poem by Abel Meeropol, is considered the national anthem of the anti-lynching campaign.
What is "Strange Fruit"?
This lawyer/professor mentored the first African American U.S. Supreme Court justice, Thurgood Marshall.
Who is Charles Hamilton Houston?
This 1944 study on race relations was authored by Gunnar Myrdal, a Swedish economist and funded by the Carnegie Foundation.
What is "An America Dilemma:The Negro Problem and Modern Democracy"?
This "Go Tell it on the Mountain" and "If Beale Street Could Talk" author wrote the first screenplay of "The Autobiography of Malcolm X".
Who is James Baldwin?
This film was made in response to "Birth of a Nation" by the N.A.A.C.P.
What is "Birth of a Race"?
In the 1940s, this artist depicted the Great Migration in a series of paintings called the "Migration of the Negro."
Who is Jacob Lawrence?
In 1955, while visiting relatives in Money, MS, this 14 year old boy became the victim of the most famous lynching in America.
Who is Emmett Till?
This "Black Bourgeoisie" author became the first African American to serve as President of the American Sociological Association.
Who is Franklin E. Frazier?
This resident of Eatonville, FL, the first African American incorporated town, wrote the novel "Their Eyes Were Watching God."
Who is Zora Neale Hurston?
This 1920s popular radio show became the first black television show and sparked major controversy.
What is "Amos n Andy"?
In 1989, this duo received the first Grammy for Best Rap Performance.
Who are DJ Jazzy Jeff and Fresh Prince?
Brown v. Board (1954) overruled this landmark supreme court case.
What is Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)?
She authored "Black Feminist Thought: Knowledge, Consciousness, and the Politics of Empowerment" (1999) and became the first African American woman to be elected President of the American Sociology Association.
Who is Patricia Hill-Collins?
The following African American writers: Frances E. W. Harper, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Charles Chesnutt, Chester Himes, Nikki Giovanni, Rita Dove, and Toni Morrison may all be claimed by which U.S. state.
What is Ohio?
Name one of the two African American directors who have been nominated for an Oscar for Best Director.
Who are John Singleton and Lee Daniels?
This Pittsburgh-born painter became a world renowned artist after spending five years at the Julian Academy in Paris and producing famous works like "The Banjo Lesson" and "Christ on the Road to Bethany."
Who is Henry Ossawa Tanner?
In 1866, the first Civil Rights Act was passed by Congress over the veto of this U.S. President who would later be impeached.
Who is President Andrew Johnson?
W.E.B. Dubois conducted one of the first scientific, sociological studies of a Black community during the late 1890s, which became the basis of this book.
What is "The Philadelphia Negro" (1899)?
1987, 2003, 1973, or 1993 was the year that Toni Morrison received the Nobel Prize for Literature and Rita Dove was named the Poet Laureate of the United States.
What is 1993?
This "Sweet Sweetback’s Badass Song" director is often credited with inspiring the blaxploitation film genre.
Who is Melvin Van Peebles?
1930s, 1940s, or 1960s, the decade that Billboard magazine changed the name of its Black pop-music chart from “race” records to “rhythm and blues.”
What is the 1940s?