Causes of Underage Drinking
Is it ever considered right?
Connections to the
Study Guide
Societal Pressures

What motivates some individuals to explore alcohol out of interest or a desire to learn?

What is curiosity?


In what context is underage drinking allowed during events like receiving the Eucharist?

What are religious occasions?


How can we metaphorically view drinking, considering it as a gift from God?

What is that just as God created male and female, we can view drinking as a divine gift?


What can help you choose between “fearful inaction” and rash behavior when faced with peer pressure?

 What is having fortitude?


Some people turn to alcohol to cope with emotional distress or manage their feelings. What is the behavior called?

What is self-medicating?


Why is it allowed for children to drink "wine" during religious ceremonies?

What is because it represents the blood of Christ?


What does recognizing God as the creator remind us about everything we consume, including beverages?

What is that it all originates from His Creation?


What right do you have when it comes to saying no to peer pressure?

 What is the right to assert your standards?


Children and adolescents often observe adults drinking and may mimic this behavior. What is this phenomenon called?

What is mimicking adults?


How does different countries' alcohol consumption laws impact underage drinking?

What is that it varies based on the country's legal age?


As humans made in God’s image, what capacity do we have regarding the gift of drinking?

What is the capacity to choose how we use it, whether to celebrate or connect with others?


What skill can help you resist peer pressure without needing to justify your reasons?

What is learning effective ways to say no?


What external pressure can lead individuals to drink, especially during adolescence?

What is peer pressure?


If someone is in a country where drinking under the age of 21 is legal, are they disobeying any higher authority by consuming alcohol?

What is no, as long as they comply with the legal age in that country?


How does our role as stewards extend to drinking?

What is that responsible consumption aligns with our duty to care for God’s creation, including our bodies?


How can you protect yourself from negative peer pressure?

What is staying away from situations that might tempt you?


In many Western societies, alcohol consumption is widespread and considered normal. What societal factor contributes to this acceptance?

What is the widespread and normalized use of alcohol in Western society?


When might underage drinking be permissible due to different cultural norms and legal contexts?

What are religious occasions and international travel with lower legal drinking ages?


What guides us in making informed choices about what we consume, especially when it comes to drinking?

What is our intellect?


According to the advice given, what can guide you in using prudence and fortitude to resist peer pressure?

What is the power of prayer and the Holy Spirit?
