Dutch Colony
British Colony
Peter Stuyvesant
This is the name of the new COLONY created by the Dutch.
What is New Netherlands?
This is the brother of the British King who took over New Netherlands and named the colony after himself.
Who is James, the Duke of York?
Stuyvesant's solution to the problem of people dangerously riding too fast through the city streets.
He made a law that horses and carts must be walked through the city streets. They could only ride on Broadway but with a speed limit.
This is a person who wants to go to the New World, but can't afford it. So an employer pays for their boat trip and they work for that employer until they pay it off. Then they are FREE.
What is an indentured servant?
This is a term for a place that GRinds GRain into flour. Frederick Philippse owned one.
What is a gristmill?
This is the name of the new CITY created by the Dutch in the New World.
What is New Amsterdam?
This is the first BRITISH governor of New York.
Who is Richard Nicolls?
This is Stuyvesant's solution to the problem of fighting in the streets.
What are closing taverns at 9:00 PM and fining people for fighting?
This is where a person rents land from a manor owner. They pay their rent in crops.
What is tenant farming?
This is a term for a large piece of land owned by a wealthy land owner.
What is a manor?
This was the FIRST governor of New Netherlands.
Who is Peter Minuit?
This is the term for someone who lives in a colony.
What is a colonist.
These are organizations Stuyvesant helped create to help people.
What are hospitals, schools, and orphanages?
This is the system created by the Dutch West India Company where the Dutch West India Company would give a large amount of land to someone who could bring over 50 settlers to New Netherlands. The settlers had to pay rent of crops and livestock.
What is the Patroon System?
The explorer who sailed for the Netherlands and claimed the land that later became New Netherlands.
Who is Henry Hudson?
Peter Minuit bought this land from the Lenni Lenape for beads, cloth, and weapons equivalent to $24.
What is Manhattan Island?
This person was found not guilty during a trial for printing material making fun of the current governor. This created Freedom of the Press where you had the right to print true things, even if they are mean.
Who is John Peter Zenger?
This is an organization Stuyvesant created that helped with safety.
What is the rattle watch (police and firemen)?
This is where a person from Africa was forced over to the New World. They are treated as property and sold to a master. They work for no pay and are NEVER free.
What is slavery?
Name one unfair thing Peter Stuyvesant did that the Dutch West India Company said he must allow.
What is he didn't want people to practice different religions?
This is a group of businessmen who ran the colony of New Netherlands. They also started the Patroon System.
What is the Dutch West India Company?
This is the governor that threw John Peter Zenger in jail for making fun of him in his newspaper.
Who is William Cosby?
The Dutch were forced to surrender to the British. Name one reason colonists begged Stuyvesant to surrender.
What is they did not have enough weapons and gunpowder, their cannons were rusty, the fort was crumbling, and/or the British had an excellent Navy.
He is a wealthy manor owner who owned a manor of 160,000 acres. An average tenant farm on his manor was 84 acres.
Who is Robert Livingston? (or Frederick Philipse)
Name one reason that the British wanted to take over New Netherlands from the Dutch.
What is because then the British would have control of the entire East Coast (Atlantic Coast). It would connect the New England Colonies with the Southern colonies.