Bee there, or bee square
Pollinate, or die!
From Seed to Shining Seed...
OCD'ing on CCD
"Data" or "datum"?
This member of the honeybee family stays at home, and only performs a mating service.
What is a "drone" bee?
This structure develops once the pollen has landed on the stigma.
What is a "pollen tube"?
This may be said to be the plant's main purpose in life.
What is "reproduction".
This condition was the most puzzling to beekepers as they were first experiencing colony collapse disorder.
What is "the virtual disappearance of the bees", or "the lack of any dead bees by the hive.
This is the where we measured the upper limit of plant height when measuring the height of our plants' height.
What is the "growing point" or "apex" of the plant.
The purpose of a swarm is primarily for this, all important
What is "the need to create a new colony, with a different queen, in another place"?
This flower structure is designed to attract pollinators.
What are "petals", or what are "nectaries"
This organ look notable different form the seed leaves, but performs a similar function.
What is "the true leaves" in a plant.
This country was said to be the source of mysterious radiation, in a conspiracy to wipe out bee colonies in the United States.
What is "Russia".
This kind of graph is one which helps is see frequencies of particular RANGES of data.
What is a "histogram".
The worker bees perform this service when trying to raise a queen bee in the hive.
What is "feeding the queen embryos more royal jelly than the worker bees or drones?"
This is the most important result for plants that are cross-pollinated.
What is " it assures that the next generation of plants have a greater diversity, and thus stronger in dealing with environmental changes that may happen".
This plant organ provides early nutrition for the young plant.
What is "the seed leaves" or "cotyledons.
DAILY DOUBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This difference in European laws allowed European beekeepers to more quickly restrict the use of systemic pesticides on farm crops.
What is "the cautionary" standard, versus the "risk assessment" standard in the U.S.
As our plants got older, this was true about the variation in plant height as we looked at our group - and our class.
What is "it(variation) became greater, the older the plants were."
This is the reason that bees begin to gorge on honey once they smell smoke.
What is "they act as though a fire is nearby, and thus they must prepare for the big job of finding a new home for the colony."
DAILY DOUBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In this process, young seeds develop the structures they will need once the fruit matures.
What is "embryogensis"?
This is the reason that systemic pesticides are more deadly to consumers of plants which have these pesticides applied to them.
What is " the pesticide works through all the organs of the plants, even the pollen"
This is the primary problem for pollinators in areas where there is monoculture farming.
What is " there is only one crop over a very large area, and thus not enough variety of pollen sources (Food sources) to sustain pollinator populations.
This specific piece of evidence - or observation - about bees on certain sunflowers - made researchers think something was wrong with the bees.
What is " their pollen collection on the flowers was chaotic, or did not follow a typical pattern as was seen on organically grown sunflowers"
Worker bees must do this in order to turn the gathered nectar in the preserved, rich food of honey.
What is "dehydrate the nectar by exposing the nectar to the air, and by fanning its wings over the cells."
In the process of senescence, the plant is dying, but it performs one very important role for the next generation.
What is " contributes all its stored nutrients and energy for the development and maturation of the embryo seeds".
This organ is in charge of producing all needed energy for the plant, once it has established itself above the soil.
What is " the leaf, which is the place for photosynthesis", in the chloroplasts of the cells in the leaves.
This is the main reason systemic pesticides were not identified as a threat to bees.
What is " the studies only looked at how the bees were affected over a few days - and never looked at their offspring.
This is the fraction of the the bites we take of our food are directly related to our pollinators.
What is "one-third".