Factors Leading to WWI
More Factors Leading to WWI
World War One
The new leader of Germany; he is ambitious and wants to become a world power.
Who is Kaiser Wilhelm II?
Germany began building its navy to compete with Britain's growing navy and empire. Britain answered by building more boats, too.
What is the Anglo-German naval rivalry?
This country has recently been united after a war with France, after which they took an important area of France, Alsace-Lorraine. This country also has a very strong and powerful leader.
What is Germany?
This is the side of the war being fought by France & Britain against Germany. Later the Americans come to fight with the French & Britain.
What is the Western Front?
The intended person or people meant to receive the message of a cartoon.
What is audience?
europe had been divided into two groups: France, Britain & Russia, and Germany, Austria-Hungary & Italy.
What is the two alliances?
On June 28, 1914, a Bosnian Serb shot a royal duke from Austria-Hungary in Sarajevo.
What is the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand?
In the 19th Century this country tried to avoid European politics. Their attitude became known as "splendid isolation". They began to find Germany threatening and sided against them.
What is Great Britain?
A German U-boat blew up American ships suspected of carrying supplies to Britain, including the Lusitania.
What is the reason the Americans joined World War One?
Being accountable for something. Taking accountability for something.
What is responsibility or blame?
Recently united Germany is growing in power and influence, including a new leader focused on expanding the empire.
What is the rise of Germany?
As Germany and Britain increase their navies and militaries, France and Russia begin building their armies and weapons.
What is the arms race?
This country is a sprawling empire in central Europe. The empire is made up of people of many different ethnic groups. Many of these groups want independence from the nation
What is Austria-Hungary?
During World War One, neither the Germans nor the French & British were advancing or gaining ground.
What is a stalemate?
What a cartoon is telling its audience.
What is the message?
In 1905 and again in 1911, Kaiser Wilhelm II made an attempt to become a man of influence in the world by intervening in issues between France and a country in Northern Africa.
What is Morocco?
In Bosnia in 1908, tensions arose between Austria-Hungary, Russia, and SErbia over access to the water. Austria-Hungary overtook an area and Germany backed up their decision.
What is The Balkans?
This country is the largest of the six allied powers. However, it is the weakest. It is mainly agricultural, though France has provided money to help build industry.
What is Russia?
Russia and Germany were engaged in battle here, which Russia eventually had to bow out of due to a revolution at home.
What is the Eastern Front?
Intense pride in a nation; belief that an ethnicity or nationality is superior to another (or all others).
What is nationalism?
Another conflict in The Balkans saw Austria-Hungary arguing with Russia and Serbia over land in the Turkish Empire. Germany intervened and promised Austria they would fully back them in case of war.
What is Germany's decision for war?
Britain did not take a clear stance on whether they would enter war; if Germany had known for certain that Britain would have entered on the side of France, they may not have gone to into war.
What is confusion about the British position?
This country has recently been defeated by Germany in a war in 1870. A precious piece of land has been taken by them, one which this country wants back desperately.
What is France?
An agreement to stop fighting.
What is an armistice?
The reason a cartoon was created.
What is the purpose?