In 1750, the Industrial Revolution started in this country.
Great Britain (7)
During the Cold War, this physical structure divided the capital city of Germany - communism in the east & capitalism/democracy in the west. This structure was eventually torn down in 1989.
Berlin Wall (23)
This man became the leader of China around the start of the Cold War after defeating Jiang Jieshi in China's civil war. He made the country communist and used propaganda to promote his policies: the Great Leap Forward & the Cultural Revolution.
Mao Zedong (16)
This is the name of the treaty that ended World War I. It made Germany take responsibility for the war, give up their army & (some) land, and pay for war costs.
Treaty of Versailles (17)
This was the reason Irish citizens emigrated to the US in the late 1800's.
Potato Famine (potatoes were diseased) (3)
Name 1 cause & 1 effect of the French Revolution
Causes: social inequality (3 estates), taxes increased, absolute monarchy, Enlightenment ideas, English & American examples Effects: Reign of Terror (king & queen beheaded), Napoleon takes over Europe, Congress of Vienna, inspired Latin American revolutions (20)
These were the long-term and short-term causes of World War I.
MAIN: militarism, alliances, imperialism, nationalism assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand (6)
This man was a totalitarian ruler of the USSR after Lenin. He used censorship to "change" history and killed most of his enemies in the Great Purge. His main policies were the 5-year plans and collectivization.
Stalin (1)
This idea states the weak die and the strong survive. It was often used by Europeans to justify imperialism.
Social Darwinism (21)
Define: containment
keeping communism in one place (not letting it spread) (18)
These 3 groups all rebelled against European imperialists.
Boxers (China), Sepoys (India), Zulus (South Africa) (12)
These 2 countries were sites of proxy wars during the Cold War. One country remains divided today - the North is communist & the south is capitalist. One country became completely communist after a long war.
Korea (still divided) & Vietnam (communist) (14) *China & Cuba could also be considered countries of proxy war
This man united Germany with "blood and iron".
Otto von Bismarck (5)
Explain the difference between capitalism & communism.
Capitalism: some very rich & some very poor, goal is profit, gov't is laissez-faire (hands off) Communism: no social classes, equality, gov't controls economy (11)
This is China's plan to fix their problem of overpopulation.
One-Child Policy (8)
Name 2 causes and 2 effects of the Industrial Revolution.
Causes: Geography (natural resources, harbors), Capital from colonies, Technology, Population growth Effects: laissez-faire government, growth of middle class, urbanization, bad working conditions (child labor), social roles (women at home, men work) (13)
These were the 2 alliances in the Cold War - one was communist nations and one was capitalist/democratic nations.
Warsaw Pact (communist) & NATO (capitalist/democratic) (2)
These 2 men became fascist leaders after World War II - one in Germany and one in Italy.
Hitler (Germany) & Mussolini (Italy) (10)
This strategy to peacefully disobey laws that are unjust has been used by several historical leaders including Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr.
civil disobedience (15)
During the Cold War, this was the United States' plan to keep European countries democratic. It involved giving money to the countries to help them save their economies.
Marshall Plan (22)
Name 2 causes & 2 effects of the Russian Revolution.
Causes: absolute ruler (Czar Nicholas II), losing WW1, Bloody Sunday, peasants starving Effects: Lenin takes power ("Peace, Land, & Bread"), Russia renamed USSR, pulled out of WW1, czar's family killed, Stalin later (24)
The US dropped atomic bombs on these 2 cities in Japan in order to end World War II.
Hiroshima & Nagasaki (9)
This man was the last leader of the USSR. His policies of glasnost and perestroika contributed to the fall of communism and the collapse of the USSR.
Mikhail Gorbachev (19)
Explain Gorbachev's policies of glasnost & perestroika.
Glasnost: changed the gov't - "openness" & democracy Perestroika: changed the economy - more capitalism (4)
Apartheid in South Africa is an example of a human rights violation. Explain the historical circumstances, describe the violation, and state how it was solved.
HC - whites = imperialism by Dutch & British, blacks = native tribes; colored - Asian immigrants Violations - segregation of living space (poor conditions), raids (checks for passbooks), unequal distribution of land & wealth Solved - F.W. de Klerk made it illegal, Desmond Tutu told foreign countries not to invest, Nelson Mandela released from prison & became president --> still very segregated today (25)