Fallacies 1
Fallacies 2

As a doctor, I am qualified to tell you that this course of treatment will likely generate the best results.

As a doctor 

  • The data is perfectly clear: This investment has consistently turned a profit year-over-year, even in spite of market declines in other areas.


  • If we don't move soon, we're all going to die! Can't you see how dangerous it would be to stay?

we're all going to die


Luke didn't want to eat his sheep’s brains with chopped liver and brussels sprouts, but his father told him to think about the poor, starving children in a third world country who weren’t fortunate enough to have any food at all.

Appeal to Emotion


On the afternoon once everyone is out of school and work, Matt's mom told him to take out the trash. Matt proceeded to tell his little brother, "Mom said to tell you to take out trash."

Appeal to Authority 


My three decades of experience in public service, my tireless commitment to the people of this community, and my willingness to reach across the aisle and cooperate with the opposition make me the ideal candidate for your mayor.

three decades of experience in public service 

  • History has shown time and again that absolute power corrupts absolutely.



I'm not just invested in this community — I love every building, every business, every hard-working member of this town.



Pointing to a fancy chart, Roger shows how temperatures have been rising over the past few centuries, whilst at the same time the number of pirates have been decreasing; thus pirates cool the world and global warming is a hoax.

False Cause 


In an argument between friends this question gets thrown around, "You're either my friend or not?"

Black or White


If my years as a Marine taught me anything, it's that caution is the best policy in this sort of situation.

my years as a Marine


Research compiled by analysts from NASA, as well as organizations from five other nations with space programs, suggests that a moon colony is viable with international support.

Research compiled by analysts from NASA


Don't be the last person on the block to have their lawn treated — you don't want to be the laughing stock of your community!

you don't want to be the laughing stock of your community!


The makers of Sugarette Candy Drinks point to research showing that of the five countries where Sugarette drinks sell the most units, three of them are in the top ten healthiest countries on Earth, therefore Sugarette drinks are healthy.

Texas Sharpshooter Fallacy


During a conversation in class a student asks his friend, "Are you still paying Bob to do your assignments?"

Loaded Question


He is a forensics and ballistics expert for the federal government — if anyone's qualified to determine the murder weapon, it's him.

forensics and ballistics expert 


He has a track record of success with this company, culminating in some of our most acclaimed architecture to date and earning us Firm of the Year nine times in a row.

track record of success

most acclaimed architecture 

Firm of the Year nine times in a row.


]There's no price that can be placed on peace of mind. Our advanced security systems will protect the well-being of your family so that you can sleep soundly at night.

protect the well-being of your family


The blue candidate accused the red candidate of committing the tu quoque fallacy. The red candidate responded by accusing the blue candidate of the same, after which ensued an hour of back and forth criticism with not much progress.

Tu Quoque (you too)


Holly said that vaccinations caused autism in children, but her scientifically well-read friend Caleb said that this claim had been debunked and proven false.

Their friend Alice offered a compromise that vaccinations cause some autism.

Middle Ground 

  • You know me — I've taught Sunday School at your church for years, babysat your children, and served as a playground director for many summers — so you know I can run your preschool.

I've taught Sunday School at your church for years, babysat your children, and served as a playground director for many summers


Private demand for the product has tapered off for the past three years, and this year's sales figures are at an all-time low. It's time to research other options.

Private demand for the product has tapered off 

this year's sales figures


Where would we be without this tradition? Ever since our forefathers landed at Plymouth Rock, we've celebrated Thanksgiving without fail, making more than cherished recipes. We've made memories.

 We've made memories.


Person 1: I think we should increase benefits for unemployed single mothers during the first year after childbirth because they need sufficient money to provide medical care for their children.

Person 2: So you believe we should give incentives to women to become single mothers and get a free ride from the tax money of hard-working citizens. This is just going to hurt our economy and our society in the long run.

Strawman Fallacy  


On one stressful day, Daisy forgot her pencil. Thoughts started to race through her mind. "I forgot my pencil; I 'am not gonna be able to write notes; I 'am gonna fail the exam; I 'am gonna flunk out; I 'am not gonna be able to get a job; I 'am gonna end up homeless."

Slippery Slope
