Who Am I?
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East Meets West
The Jamestown Colony
The Plymouth Colony
The daughter of Chief Powhatan and wife of John Rolfe
Who was Pochantas?
A document that permitted colonists to settle on land claimed by their owner.
What was a charter?
Sir Walter Raleigh was one of her most trusted advisers. She even granted him a charter to establish a colony in Virginia.
Who was Queen Elizabeth I?
This company, set up by English merchants, was instrumental in the establishment of Jamestown by sending colonists to North America, and giving them tools, weapons, medicine, seeds, and other goods in return for shares of gold or crops.
What was the Virginia Company of London?
These members of the Church of England, set up by England's King Henry VIII, protested against the practices of the Catholic Church.
Who were Protestants?
He said, "He that will not work, shall not eat."
Who was John Smith?
Jamestown's first lawmaking body.
What was the House of Burgesses?
This location was appealing to Sir Walter Raleigh because of its resources and private location, which was difficult for passing Spanish sailors to see.
What was Roanoke Island?
The Jamestown colonists were more interested in gold and wealth than in planting crops. John Smith kept the colonists alive by declaring this to them.
What was, "He that will not work shall not eat."?
These Protestants, known as the Pilgrims, traveled from the Netherlands aboard the Mayflower. They were heading for Virginia, but landed here instead.
What was New England (Cape Cod)?
He was hired by the Dutch East India Company to search for a Northwest passage to Asia.
Who was Henry Hudson?
The merchants who formed the Virginia Company of London sold shares of ownership, known as this, in the company. Any profits the company made from the colony would be divided among the people who bought it.
What is stock?
This country invaded England to punish the English for attacking its colonies and ships.
What is Spain?
John Rolfe helped to save the struggling Jamestown colony by harvesting tobacco, known as this because it was sold for money.
What is a cash crop?
Unlike Jamestown, whose colonists were seeking gold and wealth, the Plymouth colonists came to the Americas seeking this.
What was religious freedom?
He taught the pilgrims to grow corn and trap animals.
Who was Squanto?
Agreement written by the Pilgrims to form a government for the Plymouth colony.
What was the Mayflower Compact?
These factors allowed the English to defeat the Spanish Armada.
What were smaller, better armed ships, and a violent storm that sank much of the badly damaged Spanish ships?
In addition to harvesting tobacco, Rolfe saved the Jamestown colony by marrying Pocahontas. The marriage helped keep peace between these two groups.
What were the English and the Powhatan?
Just as in Jamestown, the Plymouth colonists suffered many hardships their first year, such as disease and starvation. Additionally, because of their Northeast location, the Plymouth colonists also suffered through this.
What was a cold, harsh winter?
An African who came to Jamestown as an indentured servant and eventually owned his own land.
Who was Anthony Johnson?
England, the Netherlands, and France sent explorers to the Americas to search for this trade route to Asia.
What was the Northwest Passage?
After the Spanish Armada, when John White was finally able to return to Roanoke, he found no colonists on the island. Instead, he found this word carved into the trunk of a tree.
What was CROATOAN?
In 1619, these two events helped Jamestown to grow as both a place for families to live, and as a self-governing colony.
What were the arrival of women, and the 1st meeting of the House of Burgesses.
To celebrate a successful harvest, the Pilgrims invited Massasoit and 90 members of this tribe to a great feast, later considered by many as our country's first "thanksgiving".
What was the Wampanoag?