Personal Safety
Community Safety
Internet Safety
Personal Hygiene
Think it or Say it?

What do you say to someone who offers you something that you do not want?

Say: No thank you!


What should you remember before crossing the street? Select all that correct answers. 

A) Run across the street to avoid cars

B) Look both ways

C) Listen for cars

B) Look both ways

C) Listen for cars


Should you give a stranger online your name, password, address?

True    OR   False

False. This person is a stranger and is not safe. Keep your name and personal information private. 


True or False - It is okay to not use shampoo or soap when showering. No one will notice.



Ms. J just got a new haircut..."Her hair looks terrible!"

Think it! Keep this in your thought bubble. If you say it out loud it may hurt Ms. J's feelings.


If you are lost in the community what should you do? Choose all answers that are correct.

A) Find a safe place

B) Ask for help

C) Run around screaming you're lost

D) Find a police officer or someone who works in a store

A) Find a safe place

B) Ask for help

D) Find a police officer or someone who works in a store


What number do you call if there is an emergency and you need help?



If someone saying mean things to online or sending me inappropriate pictures then I should BLOCK them. 

True   OR   False

True. That is not okay and I should tell an adult what is going on. 


How often should I brush my teeth? 

A) Never

B) Two times a day (morning and night)

C) After every meal

B) Two times a day (morning and night)


In Science class..."I am so bored"

Think it! 

Say: "Excuse me, Ms. B can I take a pod walk." Or ask for a brain break. 


When you see this symbol on a bottle should you drink it?

Yes    OR    No

No. This means poison and you could get very sick it if you eat or drink it


What are some ways we get around in the community? 

A) Flying

B) Car

C) Bus

D) Walking

B) Car

C) Bus

D) Walking


Someone I don't know added me on Tik Tok and wants $100. I should give them the money. 

True    OR    False


They are a stranger and I should never give someone money. 


How often should you wash your hands? Select all that are correct. 

A) When I feel like it

B) Before eating meals

C) Every time they get dirty or after using the bathroom

B) Before eating meals

C) Every time they get dirty or after using the bathroom


In math class..."I am not understanding this problem. I need help"

Say it! You need to communicate with your teacher and ask for help. SELF-ADVOCATE


What do you use to take something hot out of the oven, microwave or off the stove?

A) My bare hand 

B) Spoon 

C) Oven mitt 

D) Feet

C) Oven mitt


How can you be safe when you are riding the bus? Select all that are correct. 

A) Stay seated and wear a seat belt

B) Be aware of your stop

C) Keep your belongings with you at all time

D) Walk around on the bus when it is moving

A) Stay seated and wear a seat belt

B) Be aware of your stop

C) Keep your belongings with you at all time


Which one is not a Social Media app.

A) Tik Tok

B) Instagram

C) YouTube

D) Snapbook

D) Snapbook


When do you put deodorant on?

A) Only when your teacher tells you to

B) After you get out of the shower or when you start to smell.

C) Never

B) After you get out of the shower or when you start to smell.


"I'm sorry, you can't sit here. This seat is saved!"

Think it!

Say:  "I am waiting for someone. You may sit in this other seat next to me."


If a stranger approaches you and says, "Your mom told me to pick you up from school today. Come with me." What should you do?

A) Trust them and go with them

B) Leave, find an adult you know, and get to safety.

Bonus Question: Would you do anything else?

B) Leave, find an adult you know, and get to safety.

Tell them "Leave me alone.", "Get away from me." Run away and find an adult you know. 


What do you do if a stranger is following you?

A) Go up to them and talk to them

B) Call 911 and ask for help

C) Do nothing

B) Call 911 and ask for help


My friend tells me that someone at school is texting them inappropriate things. What should I do?

A) Tell everyone about it and laugh at my friend. 

B) Do nothing and tell her to solve her own problems.

C) Tell an adult what is happening to help my friend.

C) Tell an adult what is happening to help my friend.


How often should you change your clothes?

A) Every 2 weeks

B) Only on Thursdays

C) Everyday

D) Whenever I feel like it

Bonus Question: True or False- You should change your clothes, underwear, and socks everyday.

C) Everyday

Bonus Question: True! You should wear clean clothes, underwear, and socks.


"Will you stop interrupting me every 5 seconds!"

Think it!

Say: "Sorry, I wasn't done talking. I want to finish my story and then you can share your story." 
