Tang and Song
Belief Systems
What must a dynasty do to keep the mandate of heaven?
Rebuild infrastructure, give land to peasants, protect the people.
Describe the Mongols? What did they look like? How did they act?
They were fierce warriors. They conquered a lot of territory and treated people very brutally.
What do the spikes on Godzilla's back represent in their geography?
The mountains
What were the belief systems practiced under the Tang Dynasty? (2)
Confucianism, Buddhism
What is feudalism? What is exchanged under this system?
Land and power are exchanged for loyalty and goods. Emperor is a puppet=doesn't have real power/authority
Describe the practice of footbinding. What role did women play in this society?
Footbinding was practiced in order to make women "beautiful." Having small feet was necessary in order for women to find a husband. Women were seen as a burden.
Why did Kublai Khan give his dynasty the Chinese name "Yuan dynasty?"
They wanted to adopt the culture of those around them and not be seen as foreign rulers.
What is terrace farming? Why is it necessary?
People built steps into the mountains so that they could farm on them. This prevents water from running off of the mountain.
What do the five relationships of Confucianism show about this belief system? (think about roles)
That everyone has a role in society. People should respect their superiors.
What code do Japanese Samurai follow? How is it similar to Chivalry in Europe?
The code is called Bushido. It is similar to Chivalry in that they both emphasize honor, loyalty, manners and nationalism.
If Confucianism is important to the Chinese, who will earn more respect, farmers or merchants? Why?
Farmers because they are making the goods themselves which is seen as honorable under Confucianism. Merchants are only selling the goods that were made by others.
Remember that we looked at the impact that the Mongols had on China, Russia, Syria and Japan... Which civilization was NOT defeated by the Mongols?
How do natural disasters (tsunamis, volcanoes, earthquakes) affect their belief systems?
They worship the forces of nature=kami's. They believe in Shintoism.
How do Buddhism and Zen Buddhism differ?
Buddhists believe that you can reach enlightenment through reincarnation after you die, while Zen Buddhists believe that you can have moments of enlightenment during your life.
How was the Tokugawa Shogunate able to take control of Japan? What was his military code like?
By using guns, Tokugawa Ieyasu was able to defeat all of the other Daimyo and become to Shogun. The military code was very strict and featured things like hostage law and prevented Daimyo from being able to repair their houses.
Which inventions of the Tang and Song would help with warfare?
Gunpowder, magnetic compass
Name three reasons why the Mongols were able to build the largest empire in history
Very clever leader (Genghis Khan), organized army, borrowed ideas from people they conquered.
Name two things that Japan borrowed from China (can be in the area of government, culture, religion).
Centralized government, tea ceremonies, Buddhism, landscape and architecture.
Give three examples of Kami in Shintoism.
Tree, mountains, rocks, rivers, wind, food, people, dead emperors
Name three policies of the Tokugawa Shogunate (Military Code)
All daimyo must live in Edo. Peasants must work the land and must work at night. Women must not wear ornate silk. Daimyo are forbidden to repair their homes.
Name one invention/practice of the Tang and Song that was adopted by other civilizations and is still used today.
Civil Service Exams
What is tribute?
How did the Japanese adapt/change the things they borrowed from China?
Developed Zen Buddhism-moments of enlightenment Did not adopt civil service exams Developed their own style of landscape painting
How did WWII change the way the Japanese viewed their emperor?
The no longer believed that he was a god.
Why did the Tokugawa isolate Japan?
Because guns reduced the value of Samurai. Christianity was banned because Christians would not worship the emperor as a god. FEARED LOSING THEIR POWER!