Early Settlements
French and English
This early settlement was home to Puritans that wanted to create a new society based around passionate devotion to God, hard work and simple living, a long with the occasional witch hanging.
What is Salem
The war for the continent was only called French and Indian from the perspective of the English, the French however called it this.
What is The Seven Years War?
This Son of Liberty used his artistic abilities to engrave a propaganda piece depicting the Boston Massacre as a brutal example of imperial brutality.
Who is Paul Revere?
This founding father crafted a document proclaiming slavery as an abomination while owning over 200 himself
Who is Thomas Jefferson?
The constitution is broken up into this many Articles, not including the Preamble.
What is seven?
This early settlement was founded as a business venture, it nearly failed until a new strain of tobacco made it profitable.
What is Jamestown
The French laid claims to this part of interior of the continent, while the British possessed the Eastern seaboard.
What was the Great Lakes/Midwest.
This immigrant wrote a pamphlet igniting a fever of rebellion among the 13 colonies citing it was "Common Sense."
Who Thomas Paine?
This principle of the Declaration of Independence proclaims that if the government protects the rights of the people, then they should support and if not, rebel.
What is the social contract
Not necessarily legal, the convention to draft the constitution was called to dispute the issues relating to these governing documents.
What are the Articles of Confederation
This colony was founded by religious extremists that wanted complete separation from the Church of England, their ship; The Mayflower
What is Plymouth
The area that sparked the war was over the forks of this river the largest tributary of the Mississippi
What is the Ohio River?
After hearing about the Stamp Act, this founding father called for complete separation from England early when he delivered his "Give Me Liberty of Give Me Death" speech.
Who is Patrick Henry
This principle of the Declaration of the Independence is anti monarchy and for the people!
What is self government?
Congress was reluctant to add this branch of government because of memories of single ruling king.
What is the Executive Branch
This colony was founded years before Jamestown, and mysteriously disappeared.
What is Roanoke
This founding father's first military was a disaster and helped spark the beginning of the French and Indian War.
Who is George Washington?
This founding mother urged George Washington to "remember the ladies" upon his trip back to Philadelphia from Boston
Who is Abigail Adams?
This signer of the Declaration of Independence used the largest font, today a financial institution symbolizes how he financed the revolution early on,
Who is John Hancock?
Even though it was be over a hundred years before voting rights for given to all citizens, the principles of this type of government were that the people elect their leaders.
What is republicanism
This colony was founded by Roger Williams, a early proponent of religious freedom.
What is Providence
The demarcation line that put a halt to colonial expansion and settled Native American hostilities temporarily.
What is the Proclamation of 1763?
This most wanted man in Boston organized the massive demonstration of rebellion when his Sons of Liberty banded as dressed up natives and dumped imported tea into Boston harbor.
Who is Samuel Adams?
This founding father put forth the motion for the Continental Congress to vote on whether or the Congress would accept the Declaration.
Who is Henry Lee?
This founding father created the system of checks and balances and hence is often given the title "father of the constitution"
Who is James Madison?