A trickling filter removes the nutrients of wastewater by what means? (filtering, straining, adsorption and absorption, or ponding)
What is adsorption and absorption?
Calculate the volume (in gallons) of water in a tank that is 254 feet long, 62 feet wide, and 10 feet deep if the tank only contains 2 feet of water.
What is 235,590 gallons?
Where should the exhaust fan in a chlorinator room be located?
What is near the floor?
What is the primary origin of coliform bacteria in water supplies?
What is human or animal feces/intestinal tracts?
What should be the air gap separation between a potable water pipe and the rim of a wastewater tank?
What is 1 inch or twice pipe diameter, whichever is greater?
Mixed liquor suspended solids that need to be wasted accumulated from what source?
What is new cell production by the microorganisms?
A sewer main is 10” in diameter and has a length of a quarter mile. How many million gallons of water can it hold?
What is 0.005 MG?
A condition in which a person's nose, after exposure to certain odors, is no longer able to detect that odor is called _____.
What is olfactory fatigue?
What temperature should you set the incubator to when determining BOD's?
What is 20+/- 1 degree C?
What is defined as periodic inspection of equipment to uncover
conditions that may lead to breakdowns and to correct such conditions.
What is preventive maintenance?
Digester gas may be used as a fuel when the methane content approaches what percentage? (23%, 36%, 48%, 56% or 62%)
What is 62%?
The distance between manhole #1 and manhole #2 is 105 feet. A fishing bobber is dropped into manhole #1 and enters manhole #2 in 30 seconds. What is the velocity of the wastewater in the sewer in ft/min?
What is 210 ft/min?
One volume of liquid chlorine gas will expand at room temperature and pressure to how many volumes of gas?
What is 460?
What is the incubation temperature for E. coli?
What is 35 +/- 0.5 degree C?
The operating temperature of a mechanical seal should not exceed what temperature?
What is 160 degrees F?
What are jelly-like masses of bacteria found in both the trickling filter and activated sludge processes?
What is zoogleal mass?
A channel 3 feet wide has water flowing to a depth of 2.5 feet. If the velocity through the channel is 120 feet/min, what is the flow rate in MGD?
What is 9.7 MGD?
What is the odor detection limit for chlorine gas?
What is 0.3 ppm?
What test can be used to determine the optimal chemical dose of a polymer?
What is jar test?
What type of meter is used to measure the resistance (ohms) in a circuit?
What is an ohmmeter?
How long would you allow for an activated sludge process to react and stabilize after a change? (3 hours, 12 hours, 1 day, 2 days or 1 week)
What is 1 week?
A 10-inch diameter pipeline has water flowing at a velocity of 3.2 fps. What is the gpd flow rate if the water is at a depth of 6 inches?
What is 706,590 gpd?
The minimum concentration of flammable gas or vapor in air that supports combustion is called _____.