20th Century
Rephrase the following: She went to the pet store and played with kittens, was petting puppies, and looked at parrots
What is: She went to the pet store and played with kittens, petted puppies, and looked at parrots.
This ends an introductory paragraph in a literary analysis essay.
What is the thesis?
Name the device: The angry wind howled with derisive invectives.
What is personification?
During this sub-era progress was material, measurable, and embraced.
What is the "Early Victorian" era?
The Trench Poets used their writing to expose this.
What is disillusionment with society? The horrors and waste of WWI? Criticism of the tradition idea of "pro patria mori"?
Rephrase the following: He found cleaning supplies in the closet, under the sink, but they were not in the garage.
What is : He found cleaning supplies in the closet, under the sink, but not in the garage.
This always begins the body paragraphs of an essay.
What are topic sentences?
I wandered lonely as a cloud.
What is simile? and personification?
The newly burgeoning middle classes sought this figure to serve as a role model for proper behavior resulting in a fixation with morals, decorum, and class structures.
Who is Queen Victoria?
Horace's line "Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori."
What is "It is sweet and proper to die for one's country"?
Rephrase the following: Margaret much preferred to eat spaghetti, lying on the couch, and watching late night movies to homework.
What is: Margaret much preferred to eat spaghetti, lie on the couch, and watch late night movies to homework. Margaret much preferred eating spaghetti, lying on the couch, and watching late night movies to homework.
The part of the proposal that introduces the "problem," "proposed solution," and "objectives."
What is the introduction?
My daughter, the angry serpent, flung the book at me.
What is metaphor?
The definition/explanation of the "Cult of Domesticity."
What is a dependence upon man, the idea that housework is an uplifting task, the idea that woman are naturally weak, the idea that women are naturally stupid and inferior, etc.?
adj. describes a country or political state marked by fear, oppression, lack of privacy, or a totalitarian state
What is the definition of "Orwellian"?
Rephrase the following: My friend never judged me by my words or what I did.
My friend never judged me by my words or my actions. Or My friend never judged me by what I said or what I did.
Methods, scheduling, and budget go in THIS part of the proposal.
What is the body?
A comparison using like or as.
What is simile? (notice both the "S" and "L"... just like aS and Like)
The idea that the scientific and technological advancement of society also brings negative consequences.
What is the "paradox of progress"?
As former the former colonies gained their freedom, literature was influenced in THIS WAY.
What is a greater diversity in subject matters, focus, and meanings? What is greater criticism of government? What is more varied literature from previous colonial subjects?
Rephrase the following: To succeed is controlling your destiny.
What is: Being successful is controlling your destiny. To succeed is to control your destiny.
The end of a proposal does this.
What is "request for action"?
He was drowning in paperwork.
What is metaphor?
The Victorian era witnessed greater diversity in literature due to what economic policy?
What is colonialism? (Imperialism)
Twentieth Century literature is marked by what attitude in British writing?
What is greater cynicism, realism, dark humor, and questioning of previous traditions, beliefs, structures, and society?