Reading 5th Grade
Reading 5th Grade
Language Arts 5th Grade
Language Arts 5th Grade
5th Grade Random

On WYTOPP what does it mean if you answer choices have squares next to them?

Pick multiple answers...not just 1

He walked away from her with a weary sigh.  He couldn't stand to leave, but he had to.  She watched him go, not sure how to feel.  

What perspective voice is this written in?  First, second, or third person?

Third Person


"He was as quiet as a mouse" is an example of ___.

What is simile? 


What figurative language is expressed in the following sentence:

I have told you a million times!



What are the main text structures? (5)

Problem / Solution

Cause / Effect


Sequence / Chronological Order

Compare / Contrast


What the author is trying to teach you?

What is theme.


This is a short version of the story that includes just the important details.

What is the summary?


"The bright orange walls screamed at her as she walked into the room." is an example of what type of figurative language? 

What is personification?


What is wrong with this sentence? 

He walked to the store and buy some milk. 

The verb tenses don't agree - walked is past tense and buy is present tense.


What is the POV: I, we, me

1st person POV


What do you call a part of the book with titles and pages of where to find them?

Table of Contents 

What is a good strategy when given drag and drop options for a summary?

Place the items / sentences and then read the summary to make sure the events are in order and that they make sense. 


What is the ending of a story called? 



Boom, crack, buzz

What is an onomatopoeia? 

Text Structure

I can't believe I forgot to set my alarm clock! Now, I will be late for the bus and will be late for work. 

cause and effect


What the story is mainly about?

Central or Main idea


When the story is told from the perspective of the narrator, using words like "I" or "me"

What is first person?


To describe how things are alike and how they are different

What is compare and contrast? 


Bill and Ann went to the concert last week. While they were there, Ann said, "Bill, we need to get some pictures for our memory book." Unfortunately, Bill replied, "I left the camera on my desk." 

What is the POV? 


When quoting from a text, where do you place the quotation marks?

Quotation marks go before the quote and after the end punctuation


How the author feels about a topic is known as...

What is the author's point of view or perspective?


A picture with labels is called what in a nonfiction book? 

What is a diagram or caption? 


Which figurative language is the following sentence?

"She is a tornado when she gets angry!"

What is metaphor?


What is the following text structure?

Summer is my favorite time. I love going to the mountains and the beach. Both are great places to get away. You can swim, surf, fish, and play in the sand at the beach. When you go to the mountains, you can hike, fish, rock climb, and canoe. Either place would make a wonderful vacation.  

compare and contrast


The sentence "Cars is the best movie ever" is an example of a fact or opinion?

What is opinion?