* Camouflage and Mimicry *
* Hibernation and Migration *
* Learned and Instinct Behaviors *
Beaks and Feet
Mixed Review
This is the reason some animals go into a long, deep sleep for the winter.
What is to live on the stored fat from food they ate to survive the long winter?
A snake is born knowing how to shed its skin. This type of behavior is known as what?
What is instinct?
Bird beaks that are short and pointy might be good for this.
What is cracking open seeds.
The earth's cycle of day and night happens because of this.
What is the earth rotates on its axis every twenty-four hours?
This is a physical adaptation in which an animal mimics or looks like another more dangerous animal.
What is mimicry?
These are two animals that hibernate.
What are bears/bats/chipmunks/snakes/turtles?
Mother birds teach their baby birds how to fly. This is known as what type of behavior?
What is learned behavior?
Duck feet are webbed. This physical adaptation helps them to do what?
What is swim?
The moon phases over the last few weeks have gone from full moon to last quarter to crescent moon. The next phase would most likely be this.
What is a new moon?
Name one animal that uses camouflage to help them blend in with their environment.
What is a katydid/beaver/deer/snow bunny/owl/?
True or false: animals need less food when they are hibernating.
What is true?
Turtles lay their eggs in the sand on the beach. They do not stay there to raise their young. The baby turtles hatch and go straight toward the sea. What type of behavior is this?
What is instinct?
A long, curved beak is great for doing this.
What is sipping nectar?
Every season lasts about this long.
What is three months?
Name one animal that uses mimicry to help scare off predators because they look like other, more dangerous, animals.
What is a Monarch butterfly/coral snake?
Some animals travel to find more food or a better place to live. Name this process.
What is migration?
Rhinoceros young watch their mothers hunt for food. Then they follow the behavior of their mothers and hunt for their own food. This is what type of behavior?
What is learned behavior?
Bird feet that are curled up are good for doing what?
What is perching on a branch?
JoAnn went to soccer practice at 7:00. She was done by 8:30. This is how long her practice lasted.
What is an hour and a half?
I am a large, white predator. I blend in with snow and ice. I am not trying to protect myself because I am big and strong. Instead, I am trying to disguise myself to that my prey won't notice me before I attack.
What is a polar bear?
These are two animals who migrate.
What are birds/insects/whales/fish/seals?
Whales migrate when they no longer have good food sources. This is what type of behavior?
What is instinct?
I am a type of bird that has large claws for grabbing and a large curved beak for catching prey. What type of bird might I be?
What is an eagle?
These are the three nonrenewable resources.
What are coal, oil, and natural gas?