Native American History
Westward Expansion
Women's History
1950s & 1960s

This yellow crop was exchanged with European settlers for the first time in the 17th Century.

What is maize/corn?


This concept stressed the need for the US to expand from coast to coast.

What is Manifest Destiny?


This amendment granted Women’s suffrage.

What is the 19th Amendment?


Reconstruction ended in this year.

What is 1877?


This major infrastructure advancement helped lead to the growth of American suburbs.

What is the Interstate Highway System?


This was the year Jamestown settlers made contact with Native Americans.

What is 1607?


Even though the Constitution doesn't speak to the President buying things, Thomas Jefferson bought it in 1803.

What is the Louisiana Purchase?


The Seneca Falls Convention, the first women’s rights convention, happened in this year.

What is 1848?


Reconstruction is considered to be a failure because of these laws that disenfranchised Black voters.

What are Jim Crow Laws (Poll Tax, Grandfather Clause, Literacy Test, etc)?


The Truman Doctrine gave aid to these two countries to fight communism.

What are Greece and Turkey?


This six nation alliance was the model for a confederate form of government.

Who are the Iroquois/Haudenosaunee?


The discovery of gold in California in this year lends its name to an NFL football team.

What is 1849? (49ers)


This is a term used to describe the concept that men and women should have strictly different roles in society and not break out of them.

What are separate spheres?


Southerners who distrusted the reconstruction government, especially the officials from the North, used this name for them.

What is a carpetbagger?


The launch of Sputnik in 1957 led to this “race” between the US and USSR.

What is the Space Race?


This Shawnee leader created an alliance to stop westward expansion in the early 1800s.

Who is Tecumseh?


The boundary dispute in this territory led to James K. Polk’s campaign slogan of “54 40 or Fight!”

What is the Oregon Territory?


During the American Revolution, women would hold these to see who could spin the most cloth to avoid buying it from Britain.

What are spinning bees?


This was Abraham Lincoln’s plan for reconstruction that was considered too easy on the South after the Civil War.

What is the 10% Plan?


Levitt towns made sure that all of these were pretty much the same.

What are homes?


This was created by the British Parliament to prevent conflicts between colonists and Native Americans after the French and Indian War.

What is the Proclamation of 1763?


This family was driven to cannibalism while trying to take a shortcut to the west and being trapped in a snowstorm.

Who are the Donners?


This failed amendment would guarantee that men and women are paid the same amount of money for the same work.

What is the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)?


This clause of the 14th Amendment protected the newly freed slaves from discrimination.

What is the Equal Protection Clause?


Lyndon Johnson’s plan to end poverty had this grand name.

What is the Great Society?