PERIOD 2 1607-1754
PERIOD 3 1754-1800
PERIOD 4 1800-1848
PERIOD 5 1844-1877

What was Jamestown?

The first colony in America. 1607


Difference between Patriots and Loyalists

Loyalists stayed true to parliment. Patriots wanted freedom for America.


What was The Missouri Compromise?

When a slave state joins the union, a free state must join aswell.


What was the Lewis and Clark Expedition?

Lewis and Clark set out from St. Louis across the Rockies. They gained greater knowledge of the region, made accurate maps, and formed better relationships with American Indians in the west.

What was the Freedmans bureau? 

Early welfare agency providing food, shelter, and medical aid for freed Black Americans - and sometimes poor whites


What was the Great Awakening?

Expressions of religious feeling among masses of people. 1730s-1740s


Explain townshend acts, stamp acts, declaratory acts and quartering acts

Townshend Acts - search of private homes and smuggled goods

Stamp Acts - tax on all paper goods to England

Declaratory acts - british parliment could make laws for colonies whenever they wanted

Quartering Acts - colonists must provide food and living quarters for British soldiers


What caused the War of 1812?

- Violation of U.S neutral rights at sea

- Troubles on the Western Frontier


Who sold the Louisiana territory to Jefferson in the LP? 

Napolean for $15 million


What did the 14th and 15th amendment do?

14th - declared all people born in the U.S as citizens (1868 ratified)

15th - Right for African Americans to vote (1870 ratified)


What was Bacon's Rebellion?

Raids of Indian Villages in Virginia. Burned Jamestown settlement.


Federalists VS anti federalists.

What did the Federalist papers defend?

Federalists were in support of the constitution. Anti federalists were not.

The Federalist papers defended the U.S constitution


What act aimed to reverse the Embargo Act?

The Nonintercourse Act of 1809 declared that ships could now trade with all nations EXCEPT Britain and France


What was the Monroe Doctrine?

The MD forbid European powers from colonizing addtionial territories in the Americas 


What was the Emancipation Proclamation and who issued it? BONUS: WHAT YEAR?

Abe Lincoln. Delcared slaves free. 1863.


What were the Navigation Acts?

All trade must be filtered through England


What did the Articles of Confederation establish?

Congress gained power to 

- wage war

- make treaties

- borrow money


What was the Era of Good Feelings?

The name was misleading. There was a tariff debate, sectionalist tensions over slavery, and national bank tension


What treaty ended the War of 1812?

The treaty of Ghent halted fighting, returned all territory to pre-war claims, and recognized pre-war boundary between Canada and the U.S


What was the Treaty Of Guadalupe Hidalgo? (1848)

1. The U.S acquirred California and New Mexico 

2. Mexico recognized the Rio Grande as the Southern border of Texas


Who formed the New England Confederation Military alliance?

Plymouth, Massachusets Bay, Conneticut, New Haven

What was the Proclamation of 1763?

Prohibitted Colonists from settling west of the Appalachian mountains 

What was Henry Clay's American System plan?

1) Protective Tariffs

2) National Bank

3) Internal Improvements


What was the panic of 1837? What president was in office?

Just as MVb took office, the country went into financial panic. Partially due to Jacksons bank veto.


What was the Wade-Davis Bill? (1864)

Required 50% of the voters of a state to take a loyalty oath and permitted only non-confederates to vote for a new state constitution