Trades or Shops
The Great Awakening
This is the place were lawmakers and representatives met to make decisions about the town. They voted on laws.
What is the capitol building?
Local community leaders would go here to discuss politics and business and have a bite to eat.
What is the local tavern?
The College of William and Mary accepted these kinds of students.
What is boys?
This was the official religion of the Virginia colony.
What is Anglican?
After the Great Awakening in what way did people started acting differently in their church services?
What is showing emotion and worship loudly?
This person chose the governor of the royal colony.
What is the king?
This is what we called the skilled workers who had learned the trade but still helped the owner run the shops. This was a step higher than an apprentice.
What is a journeyman?
Since most girls only learned how to cook, sew and care for the house, this was a place that some girls could go to learn to read.
What is a dame school?
Before the Great Awakening people would pay these to support the church.
What is taxes?
Who is the best teacher you ever had?
What is Mrs. Jackson?
This is the age that a white male may be able to vote if he owns land in Virginia.
What is age of 21?
This what we called the workers who were still learning the trade from the craftsmen.
What is an apprentice?
Students learned from these academic areas.
What is reading, writing and arithmetic?
This was the center of religious activity. People met here for services and came early to meet and discuss the lastest news.
What is the local church?
One of the teachings of the Great Awakening was the belief that all people are ...
What is important and equal?
This is the church that colonists had to join in order to vote.
What is the Anglican church?
These craftsmen made items such as cooking pots and plows out of iron and steel.
What is blacksmith?
Name one of the famous US Presidents that attended the College of William and Mary.
What is George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe or John Tyler?
Before the Great Awakening, where people sat in church marked their importance. The important people and wealthy sat here.
What is close to the pulpit or up in front?
These were the two new colleges created after the Great Awakening.
What is Princeton and Brown?
Where did the royal governor live?
He lived in the governor's palace.
An apprentice would work for 4 to 7 years or until they were this age before they could be a journeyman.
What is 21 years of age?
This was the school where older boys could attend to learn to become Anglican priests.
What is the College of William and Mary?
The law required that all white colonists attend this church. These leaders tried to prevent the Baptists and Protestants from meeting.
What is Anglican leaders and church?
The Great Awakening created an independent spirit in the colonists. Eventually, this led to changing the relationship between the colonists and this country.
What is Great Britain or England?