Mental health stigma
What would you do?
Mental health facts

Myth or fact. 

People with mental health conditions are violent or unpredictable.

What is Myth

Most people with mental health conditions are no more likely to be violent than anyone else.


What is the name of a mental health advocacy group. 

What is NAMI 


The doctor gives you a cancer diagnosis however you do not agree.

What is get a second opinion 


What are some disempowering words we have covered in past Empowerment groups?

Schizophrenic, crazy, addict, suffering from. 

Opt for person-centered language. Example: person with Schizophrenia. 


How common is mental illness?

About 1 in 4 American adults differ from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year, and one in 10 will suffer from a depressive illness, such as major depression or bipolar disorder.


Myth or fact:

When someone develops a mental health problem, they will have it for the rest of their lives. They will never recover.

What is Myth

Mental health doesn't stay the same. It goes up and down over the course of your life. Many factors can influence how you feel. With treatment, many of the problems you may develop are temporary.

Recovery is not linear. 


What are the responsibilities of an advocate?

What is standing up for themselves or a third party on an issue that they support. 


Your doctor prescribed you a medication that has not worked in the past by causing heart palpitations, what do you do?

What is call your doctor and explain to them thoroughly and calmly, the side effects and ask them to consider another treatment option. 


Name one way you could be involved in your mental health treatment?

What is be involved in the treatment plan process, review completed treatment plans, tell the psychiatrist what medications worked and didn't work in the past. 


What are some main types of mental illness?

Mood disorders, anxiety disorders, personality disorders, psychotic disorders, eating disorders, trauma related disorders, substance use disorders. 


Kids and teens can’t have anxiety or depression because they have nothing to worry about?

What is false 


What is a legal resource you can use if you don't have the financial means to get a lawyer?

What is Legal Aid. 


You go to the hair salon or barber shop and you are not pleased with the result, what do you do?

What is express that you are unhappy with the result and you cannot pay in full or you want them to fix the haircut. 


What are some examples of people who didn't let mental illness define them?

What is Pat Deegan (psychologist with Schizophrenia), the man with Schizophrenia who climbed Mount Everest, Elyn Saks (lawyer with Schizophrenia), Mariah Carey (singer with Bipolar disorder), Leonardo DiCaprio (actor with OCD). 


What are some causes of mental illness?

Genetic factors, drug/alcohol use, biological factors (hormones), early life environment, trauma and stress.


What is the best way to end mental health stigma?

What is educate yourself about mental health. 


What is Briana's title?

What is peer advocate.


You go to the grocery store and they scan an item twice; making you pay double. What are some things you shouldn't say?

What is calling them stupid, yelling, throwing things at them.

It was most likely an honest mistake. 


What are some things you cannot do anymore when you are diagnosed with a mental illness?

What is NOTHING. Mental illness is not a death sentence. You are capable of anything. I believe in you. 


What is the leading cause of disability worldwide?

What is depression?


A common stigma is that people with Schizophrenia just see things, hear things that aren't there and have multiple personalities. 

What is people with schizophrenia experience; disorganized thinking, disorganized speech, social withdrawal, loss of interest in everyday activities, hallucinations (visual, tactile, auditory, etc.), extremely disorganized behaviors, delusions.


Who is the peer recovery warm line run by?

What is people in recovery (aka peers). 

PRW uses the Intentional Peer Support model, which stresses mutual support of each other’s recovery and talking about your own “story” in a way that helps the recovery process for both you and the peer on the other end of the phone.

Call (877) 292-5588


A person joins PACT after they have just been diagnosed with a mental health diagnosis. They ask for advice what do you tell them?

Support, educate, make them feel like they're not alone. 


What are some components of empowerment?

Decision-making power, assertiveness, having access to information and resources, feeling part of a group, effecting changing in one's life, and making change self-initiated. 


True or false:

Therapy and self-help are a waste of time. Why bother when you can just take a pill?

What is false. 

Treatment for mental health conditions vary depending on the individual and could include medication, therapy, or both. Many individuals do best when they work with a support system during the healing and recovery process.