Rock and Roll and Minerals
Habits of my Mind
Soil – More Than Just Dirt
Fossils Remain
Heat is H-O-T!
A scratch test identifies this property of a mineral
What is hardness
True or False? You should wear goggles during science experiments when you are cleaning up materials.
What is true?
The largest particle in soil.
What is sand?
A dinosaur foot print is an example of this type of fossil.
What is a trace fossil?
Metals are generally very good ones of these. This means that heat can move easily through them.
What are conductors?
On the Moh’s Hardness Scale, Talc is the softest and this is the hardest mineral.
What is a diamond?
The first thing you should do in carrying out a scientific procedure is a. record your results b. observe what happens c. gather required materials d. add the contents of the first vial to the second vial.
What is C?
True or false, plastic pieces are a part of soil
What is false?
Out of these four choices, it is the one most likely to become a fossil; stomach, bone, muscle, feather
What is a bone?
People use this in the walls and ceilings of their homes to keep heat in during the winter and keep the a/c in during the summer.
What is insulation?
Perform this test and you will discover the identifying color of a mineral.
What is a streak test?
Anything that has parts that interact with each other is called a system. Of these objects, a Flower, an eraser, or a towel, this one is an example of a system.
What is a flower?
The soil you walk on is part of this layer of soil.
What is topsoil?
Fossils can be found in this stage of the rock cycle.
What is sedimentary rock?
It is a source of heat that comes from rubbing two objects together.
What is friction?
The stages of the rock cycle.
What are sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic?
Safe or unsafe? Do not worry about loose clothing while doing an experiment.
What is unsafe?
The type of soil most plants grow well in is called this.
What is loam?
An animal that has been pressed by layers of sediment above it turns into this type of fossil (trace or body?)
What is body?
When you leave your door open on a winter day, are you letting heat out or letting cold in?
What is letting heat out?
The building blocks of rocks.
What are minerals?
Out of 40 rocks collected, ¾ of them were sedimentary. This is how many rocks it is.
What is 30 rocks?
You grab a soil sample in your hand. You roll it into a ball. The ball feels sticky when moist. The ball is strong and will not break. How would you describe the soil from that texture?
What is clay?
Ben and Kevin are hiking in the Appalachian mountains. They find a fossil of a fish on the ground. What does this tell you about where they are hiking?
What is that the land used to be underwater.
It is how molecules move when heated (faster or slower).
What is faster?