Figurative language
Author's Tone/Mood
Hodge Podge???
What type of figurative language is used in the quote below? Ali's cell phone dropped into the toilet like a falling star.
What is simile
What is the mood the author is trying to convey? There was no moon, and everything beneath lay in misty darkness: not a light gleamed from any house, far or near all had been extinguished long ago... a. gloomy/depressing b. happy c. joyful d. excited
What is a. gloomy/depressing
What is the definition of the word in capital letters? The young girl was ALOOF. She always seemed unsocial, unapproachable and uninterested. a. friendly b. sympathetic c. kind d. detached
What is d. detached The sentence after the word aloof helps to describe the girl.
Write whether the CAPITALIZED pronoun is a subject, possessive or object pronoun. In the summer, THEY enjoy going to the beach.
What is subject pronoun
Which two things are being compared in the simile below? "A blue satin quilt lay over him like a piece of summer sky, and, even though he was pale, his eyes were clear." (Hahn 153)
What is quilt, summer sky
What type of figurative language is shown below? She was pretty sure life was a fashion show.
What is metaphor
The author is creating what type of mood from the following quote? What words helped you decide this mood? "The river, reflecting the clear blue of the sky, glistened and sparkled as it flowed noiselessly on.”
What is a calm, peaceful mood Words that helped to decide: glistened, sparkled, flowed noiselessly
What is the definition of the word COY? David was very outgoing as opposed to his COY younger sister. a. happy b. talkative c. shy d. aggressive
What is c. shy Remember, "as opposed" gives you a clue that the word is opposite of outgoing.
Write whether the CAPITALIZED pronoun is a subject, possessive or object pronoun. The teacher taught THEM how to write a summary.
What is object pronoun
Identify the part of speech: happy
What is adjective
What type of figurative language is shown below? I can smell pizza from a mile away.
What is hyperbole
What tone and mood is set in the following sentence? What words helped you decide this? Bouncing into the room, she lit up the vicinity with a joyous glow on her face as she told about her fiancé and their wedding plans.
What is happy, joyous mood What words helped you decide this? bouncing, lit up, joyous glow
What is the meaning of the word ECSTATIC? Father was ECSTATIC that Earl went to the college that he wanted him to. a. overjoyed b.remorseful c. uninterested d. upset
What is a. overjoyed Look at the other clues- this was a college that the father wanted Earl to go to.
Name the personal pronoun and antecedent. Ben left for Dayton University on Sunday. He was very excited to start classes.
What is Ben- antecedent He- personal pronoun
Is the adjective comparative or superlative?? I like chocolate peanut butter ice cream BETTER than cherry vanilla ice cream.
What is comparative
What type of figurative language is shown below? The sorry engine wheezed its death cough.
What is personification
What tone/mood is set in the sentence below? What words helped to determine this? He furtively glanced behind him, for fear of his imagined pursuers, then hurriedly walked on, jumping at the slightest sound even of a leaf crackling under his own foot.
What is nervous, scared What words helped to determine this? furtively glanced, imagined pursuers, hurriedly walked, jumping at the slightest sound
What is the meaning of the word EXPEDITIOUS in the sentence below? Max was EXPEDITIOUS when he left the building. He ran through the halls, jumped in his car and sped off! a. delayed b. hasty c. slow d. lazy
What is b. hasty The second sentence gives you a detailed description as Max left.
What is the correct word in the parentheses? The dog hid (it's, its) bone in the hole he dug in the yard.
What is... its
Complete the analogy: great:greatest:: good: ____
What is best
What type of figurative language is shown below? He could hear the hounds howling in the hills.
What is alliteration
What is the authors tone/mood in the sentence below? What words did the author use to illustrate this? "Gently smiling, the mother tenderly tucked the covers up around the child’s neck, and carefully, quietly, left the room making sure to leave a comforting ray of light shining through the opened door should the child wake."
What is gentle, calm, loving What words did the author use to illustrate this? gently smiling, tenderly tucked, carefully, comforting
What is the meaning of the word SOLITUDE in the sentence below. Though many birds fly in groups, eagles are birds of SOLITUDE. a.companionship b. togetherness c. separateness d. friendship
What is c. separateness
identify the indefinite pronoun in the sentence. Most of the students are excited about spring break!
What is ... most
Identify the part of speech: She
What is pronoun Remember the list: he, she, it, I you, we they