Muscles & tendons
This is the origin and insertion of Peroneus Tertius
What are the Origin: Lower ¼ of medial surface of fibular shaft, Interosseus membrane, and Anterior peroneal septa Insertion: Dorsum base of 5th metatarsal
These are the main blood supply to the hallucis and 2nd metatarsal?
What are the 1st plantar metatarsal artery & 1st dorsal metatarsal artery?
This neck to more proximal to the “other” neck
What is anatomical neck?(more proximal to surgical neck)
. A car strikes a pedestrian on the lateral side of her leg. Following the accident, she has "foot drop". Her foot hangs loosely in plantar flexion when she raises it off the ground. She can still invert her foot, but cannot evert it. She can flex but not extend her toes. Which nerve is most likely to have been crushed in her accident?
What is common fibular?
on this game show DPM Class of 2014 appeared on
What is The Price Is Right?
This the order of muscles in the deep posterior compartment of the leg from medial to lateral.
What are the Flexor Digitorum Longus, Tibialis Posterior, Flexor Hallucis Longus
This artery is deeply seated in the back of the fibular side of the leg, arises from the posterior tibial about 2.5 cm below the lower border of the Popliteus
What is the Peroneal Artery?
The number of surfaces on fibula
What is 3? (anterior, lateral, posterior)
The sural nerve is located most closely to the:
What is lateral malleolus?
An anatomy professor that is the 'neuro expert' and a quiet guy
Who is Dr. Bales
This is where the Flexor Digitorum Brevis tendon divide into 2 parts to allow passage for the tendon of Flexor Digitorum Longus
What is Base of the proximal phalanx?
This is the main blood supply to the plantar foot?
What is the Posterior Tibial Artery
The head of the fibula is a g landmark for this nerve
What is the Common peroneal nerve?
Which of these nerve does not originate from the sacral plexus (L4-S4): A. Sural N. B. Lateral plantar N. C. Medial Calcaneal N. D. Superficial fibular N. E. Saphenous N.
What is Saphenous N?
This is the year when WesternU was established
What is 1977?
This is the function of Quadratus Plantae
What is assists FDL in plantarflexion of lesser toes?
While at the beach in Florida after final exams, a medical student steps on a stingray, which responds by stinging her in the ankle. The stinger pierces the skin, subcutaneous tissue, and flexor retinaculum of the ankle. Which other structure passing under the retinaculum may be injured?
What is the Posterior Tibial Artery?
This bone serves as a “keystone” in transverse arch of foot
What is the 2nd cuneiform?
Difficulty extending the knee can result from damage to the ________.
What is femoral nerve?
Fifty percent or more of leg amputations not resulting from traumatic injury are a result of what disease
What is D. Diabetes?
This is where the FDL and FHL tendons cross at plantar proximal medial part of the foot
What is Master Knot of Henry?
This artery is a branch off of the anterior tibial artery which crosses over the calcaneal tuberosity and forms a large lateral arch with the lateral tarsal artery
What is the Lateral Calcaneal Artery?
divides posterior surface of the fibula, serves as attachment for muscles
What is the Christa medialis?
A sharp blow to the neck of the fibula is most apt to result in damage to this structure
What is common peroneal nerve?
How many times your body weight is the pressure on your feet for the average person when running?
What is 4X?