What Does it All Mean?
Do You Agree?
We're Talking Multiples
Dude, Same Thing

When you show how things are connected you do this, which sounds like how you are connected to your aunts, uncles, and cousins

What is relate?


A plane flew over our house. [This word] had a very loud propeller.

What is it?

The few may not imply there are many, but when it comes to verbs it is definitely considered this (think singular or plural)

What is plural?


This word also means to answer, but we usually use it when we are talking about emails

What is replied?


The way something is organized and arranged is called this (hint: it sounds like a building)

What is structure?


This word is often confused with its homonym, but it is the verb form that means "to change in some way"

What is affect?


Stacey has a dog. The dog has fleas. They both _______ trouble with itching.

What is have?


The child itself is young, but add more and now you must say that the children...

What is "are young"?


This is a fancy word for fly that sounds like you might have also gotten hurt 

What is soar?

According to the old spelling rule, i comes before e except after this 

What is "c"?


This D word that can also be a polite way of saying someone has clothes on actually means "good and kind"

What is decent?

If the subject of a sentence is your mom's car, you would use this pronoun to make a reference in the next sentence

What is it?


Anything is so broad because it implies, well, literally anything in existance. But when it comes to verbs, anything is only this

What is singular?

Just like vanish, this word means to go out of sight... hope you aren't disappointed...

What is disappears?


A character's traits and these may affect the plot of the story.

What are actions?


Xmen have mutations, but most animals have these features or behaviors that help them survive adverse conditions

What are adaptations?


If I am and she is, he and I....this

What is are?


To make this next sentence right, we have to know that someone only implies this many people

What is one?

Yeah, this word means hot and firey, but even more intensely, like the surface of the sun

What is blazing?


The difference between a fairy tale and a folk tale is that a fairy tale will have this kind of creature

What is mythical or magical?


This short 5 letter word sounds like a tiny blue cartoon character, but it is another word for smiling sarcastically.

What is smirk?


I like. She likes. Few people... this

What is like?


This word is definitely plural and is what we say when we mean more than two but not many. Some may say it sounds like you are cutting off the options...

What is several?


We use this word to mean running, but only when we refer to something with several small feet like a squirrel, a spider, or a skink.

What is scurry?


This element of a story often changes the character or characters in big, noticable ways.

What is the conflict?