Context Clues
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Text Features
Text Structures

Animals adapt by changing in a way that allows them to live in a certain place.

What is the meaning of adapt?

to change 

(or when something changes based on their environment)


Identify the prefix or suffix to understand the word's meaning:

Let adults preview movies you want to see.

- What does preview mean?

view before


True or False:

Nonfiction books never contain text features.



In a text with a chronological order text structure, the author

A. describes a topic and its characteristics.

B. tells about events in the order they happened.

C. explains how things are similar and different.

D. describes a problem and then explains how someone solved it.

B. tells about events in the order they happened.


The Arctic bee has to shiver, or shake, to keep itself warm.

What is the meaning of shiver?

to shake from the cold.


How would you spell the new word if you added the suffix -ness to "heavy"?



Which text feature would you use to find the names of all chapters in a book and the pages where they started?

Table of Contents


In a text with a compare and contrast text structure, the author

A. explains something that happened and the reasons why.

B. tells about events in the order they happened.

C. explains how things are similar and different.

D. describes a problem and then explains how someone solved it.

C. explains how things are similar and different.


The fur on polar bears helps them repel, or keep away, cold water.

What words help you understand the meaning of repel?

"keep away"


Identify the root word to determine the word's meaning:

The seats in the tent were arranged in a circle around the circular stage.

What does the word "circular" mean as used in the sentence?



What is the name of the text feature that displays and organizes facts and numbers?

Graph or Chart


In a text with a cause and effect text structure, the author

A. explains something that happened and the reasons why.

B. tells about events in the order they happened.

C. describes a topic and its characteristics.

D. describes a problem and then explains how someone solved it.

A. explains something that happened and the reasons why.


Big and small nocturnal animals only come to at night.

What do nocturnal animals do?

Come out when it gets dark.


Identify if the underlined phrase is literal or nonliteral in meaning:

The elephants cut the lion off each time he tries to dash at her baby.

What did the elephant do to the lion?

block the lion's way

Fill in the blank:

In the book she's reading, Jenny sees a picture of a plant with different parts labeled. This is a ________.



Identify the main text structure used in the passage below.

A current is a steady flow of water in the ocean. In the Pacific Ocean, garbage from the shore and ships gets trapped by ocean currents. The currents move the trash into a large area in the middle of the ocean. This has created a swirling mass of plastics and seawater called the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.

Cause and Effect


The ground squirrel hibernates, sleeping for months during the winter.

What words help you understand the meaning of hibernates?

"Sleeping" and "during the winter"


Identify which sentence has correct punctuation for their statement:

A. "This museum is gigantic"! Anna exclaimed.

B. “This museum is gigantic!" Anna exclaimed.

C. "This museum is gigantic! Anna exclaimed."

D. This museum is gigantic! "Anna exclaimed."

B. “This museum is gigantic!" Anna exclaimed.


Fill in the blank:

Juan is writing a report on Italian food. He finds a book titled “Foods of the World.” He opens to Chapter 2 on page 12 and reads the word “Spain” in large letters. Further down on the page, he reads the word “Northern Spain ” in smaller letters. Page 12 of Juan’s book had ________ and ________.

had a heading and subheading


Identify the main text structure used in the passage below.

The Greenland shark can grow to be around 16 feet long. It’s an apex predator, an animal that is at the top of the food chain. No other creatures prey on apex predators. The Greenland shark can live to be about 400 years old, making it the the longest-living vertebrate animal.
