Chartering Georgia
Charter of 1732
Important People
Reasons for Colonization
Royal colony
This country threatened the English Colonies by its presence in Florida
What is Spain
A legal document that grants special rights is called a
What is a charter
This Yamacraw indian chief assisted Oglethore and the Georgia colonists
Who is Tomochichi
This economic belief held by England meant that raw materials would be taken from the colonies and sent to the Mother Country to be made into goods
What is mercantilism
Ruled by royal governors Self government
What were the major changes in government when GA. became a Royal Colony?
Georgia was originally a Proprietary Colony, otherwise known as this kind of colony
What is a Trustee Colony
According to the charter granted by King George II, banned from coming to Georgia were lawyers, liquor dealers, slaves, and what religious group?
What are Catholics/Papists
These people settled the town of Darien and were from Scotland
Who are the Highland Scots
Charity was a major influence in starting the colony of Georgia. Oglethore hoped to release these people from prison and give them a new start in the New World
Who are debtors
rice, indigo, naval stores, lumber
What type of goods were produced during the colonial period of Georgia?
This person is considered to be the founder of Georgia. He was a member of Parliament before becoming a trustee. He sought the Charter from King George. He hoped to offer a new life to England's debtors.
Who is James Oglethorpe
This group of people were not allowed to inherit land during the trustee period
What are women
These people were German Protestants looking for religious freedom
Who are the Salzburgers
This country who occupied Florida posed a great threat to South Carolina which is why England wanted to make Georgia a buffer colony
What is Spain
population and economic growth
What major impact did the royal government have on the colony of Georgia?
This economic belief was one of the main reasons England sought to create colonies in the New World. Raw materials are taken from the colonies and sent back to the mother country to be made into goods.
What is mercantilism
The Charter of 1732 required portions of the land grants to be used for farming mulberry trees to help in this industry
What is silk
She served as interpreter for Olgethorpe and Tomochichi
Who is Mary Musgrove
Other European groups came to Georgia including the Salzburgers seeking religous freedom. The Salzburgers established this city
What is Ebenezer
John Reynolds introduced the idea of self governement which set up this in the Georgia colony
What is the legislature
There were this many trustees when Georgia was Chartered as a Trustee Colony
What is 21
The period following the Trustee period is known as this
What is the Royal Colony period
These people were discontent with the trustee's policies
Who are the Malcontents
Religious freedom was an unofficial reason for starting Georgia. What group was not allowed?
Who are the Catholics
Charity, Economic, Defense
What were the 3 MAIN reasons for settlement as stated in the Georgia Charter of 1732?