Chapter 1
Pre-Writing Strategies
Chapter 2
Mrs. Tosspon's Email address.
What is ""?
The people you are writing to/for.
Who is your audience?
Uses free association to create a list of whatever words, phrases or ideas that come to mind on a given topic.
What is listing?
This declares the main point (topic) and controlling idea of the essay.
What is the thesis?
Your teacher (name).
Who is Teri Tosspon?
Percent of your grade that is "Exams"
What is "15%"?
List 2 ways to analyze your audience (what you should consider when you think about your audience).
What is look for their demographics (age, gender), understand their reasons for reading, discover what knowledge they have of your subject, or determine their attitudes/emotional states?
When a writer explores a topic by writing for a predetermined amount of time without stopping.
What is freewriting?
This is what you would call it when your thesis changes between your initial idea and your final draft.
What is a "working thesis"?
Name one classmate whose name ends with an A or "a" sound. (For example Ana)
Who are... TUES:Salina, Margarita, Rita, Anna, Lisa, Brianna, Amanda, Ana, Olivia, Kayla, or Tara.......................................................................................................................................................... THURS AFTERNOON: Jessica, Zita, Kayla, Sarina, Tamila, Alicia, Monica, Andrea, Samantha, Enedina, or Amanda..................................................................................................................................................... THURS NIGHT: Bianca, Teresita, Karla, Maria, Regina, Christina, or Ana?
Absence Policy. You will be dropped after missing ____ classes.
What is "two (2) in a row"?
List two of the 5 qualities readers share.
What is "they don't like to be bored, they hate confusion and disorder, they WANT to think and learn, they WANT to see and feel what you see and feel, and they are turned off by pretentious and phony voices"?
A visual representation of relationships that emphasizes the connections between items.
What is a cluster?
Two guidelines for a good thesis (there are 6 possible answers).
What is (you must have 2 of the following) - defines author's opinion clearly, - asserts one main idea - has something worthwhile to say. - is limited to fit the assignment - is stated in specific terms - is located in the 1st or 2nd paragraph
Name two of the people nearest to you in any direction.
Who are... the people next to you?
The golden rule of this classroom.
What is "treat others as you would like to be treated" and/or RESPECT?
One reason you would keep a journal for class.
Answer varies
Pre-writing technique that allows you to view subject from opposing directions/viewpoints.
What is the boomerang?
List 2 common errors in thesis statements
What is (you must have 2 of these 5) 1. Announcing your subject/intention 2. Cluttered with "in my opinion," or "I believe" 3. Unreasonableness (irrational or oversimplified claims) 4. Stating only a fact/assertion that is dead ended 5. Formed as a question
Name your partner from last week's "Interviews and Introductions" activity (if you did not have a partner, write why not: absent, tardy, scared of people).
Who are....?
Any time you use someone's work, ideas, or projects (from any other person, media, or work you've previously turned in), it is called this.
What is "plagiarism" or "academic dishonesty" or CHEATING!?
List one of the ways you select a subject.
What is "start early, find your best space, choose something that interests you, or narrow a large topic"?
Visualizing the subject as if it were a drama or play unfolding in the author's mind.
What is an Dramatizing the Subject?
When you list (or announce) your main points in the first paragraph it is called this.
What is essay mapping?
Name 2 people who sat in the front row today (either currently in the front row or previously in the front row)
Who are...