Design process
Models, etc.
Worth 1000 words
My hero, Gestalt
This is used to show screen layout and functional compartments in a screen. It presents basic elements of a page and how information flows from page to page.
What is a wireframe?
This is the mathematical formula that predicts that the time required to rapidly move to a target area is a function of the distance to the target and the size of the target.
What is Fitts's Law?
This is a simplified picture on a screen that represents a specific file, directory, window, option, or program.
What is an icon?
This Law of Perceptual Organization states that elements tend to be perceived as aggregated into groups if they are near each other.
What is proximity?
This is the spacial and semantic set of possible relations between objects.
What is mapping?
In inverse pyramid writing, the most important information is placed here.
What is on top?
One reason visitors abandon websites is because of the number of these necessary to get to a goal (target) page.
What are links (clicks)?
This is a grouping of similarly-styled icons, using a consistent style.
What is an icon family?
This Law of Perceptual Organization claims that elements tend to be integrated into groups if they have a resemblance to each other.
What is similarity?
This is describing one object as being (or equal) to another object.
What is metaphor?
Strategy, a major design process element, combines users, usage, and goals -- that is, personas, scenarios, and these.
What are requirements?
This model maps human cognition to computer-based elements.
What is Model Human Processor?
These are the most enduring form of written communication, whether phonetic or ideographic.
What are images?
This Principle of Perceptual Organization claims that oriented units or groups tend to be integrated into perceptual wholes if they are aligned with each other.
What is continuity?
The user's understanding of the world (partial, informal, and unstable) can be gathered using a combination of techniques into this.
What is a mental model?
Task examples include a list of user tasks, and help to define this, in the design process.
What is scope?
This color wheel is used to map color to emotion.
What is Kansei (Nagamachi, 1970)?
This example was given to demonstrate how cultural background affects recognition.
What is a mailbox?
Elements tend to be grouped together if they are parts of a figure whose endpoints meet is this Gestalt principle.
What is closure?
This backward-reasoning method follows the course from event to cause.
What is abduction?
This is the horizontal space between letters.
What is kerning?
This is used to model the user's reasoning when interacting with a system.
What is Norman's Cycle?
The two halves of the ISO 9186 standard for testing graphical symbols include the comprehensibility test and this.
What is comprehension test?
The Mac icon shown in class is an approximation of this Law of Perceptual Organization (though it does not follow the Law).
What is symmetry?
This is what gives users a hint about how the object's agency -- the users perceive how the object can be used.
What is affordance?