Famous Inventors
Literary Characters
The Oregon Trail
Cool Math

This technology is used to detect objects like aircraft.

What is a radar?


This inventor is best known for patenting the telephone in 1876, but he also worked on innovations in aviation and hydrofoils.

Who is Alexander Graham Bell?


Created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, this character is a detective renowned for his sharp logical reasoning, mastery of disguise, and use of forensic science to crack complex cases.

Who is Sherlock Holmes?


This mountain pass "south" of Oregon was located in Wyoming and had challenging terrain and breathtaking views.

What is the South Pass?


This term in mathematics refers to a number or quantity that is fixed and well-defined, typically represented by a letter like "a" or "b" in equations.

What is a variable?


This word means to glance briefly or to look through a narrow opening, and it's also a sweet, marshmallow treat often enjoyed during Easter.

What is peep?


This inventor is credited with creating the first practical incandescent light bulb and helped establish the first investor-owned electric utility in the United States.

Who is Thomas Edison?


He was Harry Potter's red-headed friend, who was in the same house in the same year as him.

Who is Ron Weasley? 


Travelers along the Oregon Trail found a sense of hope and relief upon reaching this landmark, where they caught their first view of the promising lands of Oregon, stretching out before them.

Where are the Dalles?


This value, usually given as "k" or "c," is alone in equations and expressions.

What is a constant?


A type of Honda, or something about a town.

What is civic?


Often regarded as the father of the industrial revolution, he is known for creating the first commercially successful steam engine.

Who is James Watt?


"Please, sir, I want some more," is his catchphrase in a novel by Charles Dickens.

Who is Oliver Twist?


Named for a large landmark boulder, this milestone along the Oregon Trail signified the halfway point of the journey from Independence, Missouri, to Oregon's Willamette Valley.

What is Independence Rock?


You might find a lot of symbols and graphs in this branch of math.

What is algebra?


The most recent palindrome date written in numbers in America, as of April 24th, 2024.

What is April 20th, 2024?


This automotive pioneer introduced the assembly line to automobile manufacturing, revolutionizing the industry and making cars more affordable for the average person.

Who is Henry Ford?


This character, created by Mark Twain, is a young boy from St. Petersburg, Missouri, who has various adventures with his friend Jim along the Mississippi River.

Who is Huckleberry Finn?


This landmark on the Oregon Trail, located in present-day Wyoming, was named for a tragic event involving a group of pioneers who became stranded there during the winter of 1846-47.

What is Soda Springs?


Calculus, the branch of math founded by Gottfried Leibniz and this man, deals with limits, derivatives, and integrals.

Who is Isaac Newton?


This boat, originally founded around 5,000 years ago, was founded in North America.

What is the kayak?


He co-founded a major tech corporation that is still big today, and he is renowned for his role in revolutionizing the personal computer, music, and mobile communications industries.

Who is Steve Jobs?


This character, created by Fyodor Dostoevsky, is a former student who formulates and executes a plan to kill a pawnbroker for her money, believing it will make him a better person.

Who is Raskolnikov?


This landmark on the Oregon Trail, located in present-day Nebraska, marked the point where pioneers reached the Platte River after traveling for about one-third of their journey to Oregon.

What is Chimney Rock?


The Pythagorean Theorem, a relation in this type of geometry, is used to find the hypotenuse of a right triangle.

What is Euclidean geometry?