The Ten Commandments
The Apostles' Creed
The Lord's Prayer
In this commandment, we find that God really doesn't like it when we worship other gods.
What is the First Commandment?
A perfect number of these is contained in this statement of faith focusing on all three persons of God.
What are articles?
I am a prayer taught by Jesus Christ, and I contain this many petitions.
What is seven?
We connect this to the waters of Holy Baptism according to God's command.
What is God's Word?
We believe that Communion is this and not a symbol.
What is the true body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ?
I am the commandments that are focused on our relationship with God which shapes our relationships with others.
What are the first three?
My concern in the first article is centered on this because God as Father has had a great focus on this since the beginning.
What is creation?
The name of the prayer is often called the "Our Father" this is because it begins with "Our Father who art in heaven." which is this part of the prayer.
What is the introduction?
These are the benefits of Baptism to all who believe.
What are forgiveness of sins, deliverance from death and the devil, and everlasting salvation.
We believe this is truly Christ's body and blood and not this because Christ says it is his body and blood.
What is a symbol?
In this commandment God gives a strong opinion about the killing of another person.
What is the fifth?
Some would call this salvation, but Job knew it so well, the term of which I am speaking of is this.
What is redemption?
In the first petition we pray, "Hallowed be thy name." Though God is holy we pray this because we want his name to be kept holy amongst us by having this done for us
What is to be taught in truth and purity?
In Matthew 28:19, we are given this command.
What is "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."
We know this because we are told by these four writers of the New Testament the words that Christ said.
Who are Matthew, Mark, Luke, and Paul?
In this commandment God makes it clear about His feelings on stealing, He doesn't like it.
What is the seventh?
In the third article, we focus on the Holy Spirit who calls us to and seeks to make us right with God otherwise known as this.
What is sanctification?
We all like forgiveness, but the Lord asks us in this petition to forgive others also because we do not deserve the forgiveness of God and should offer that same forgiveness to others freely and abundantly.
What is the Fifth Petition?
In Mark 16:16, Jesus Christ says this about Baptism.
What is, "Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned."?
We receive this through the eating and drinking as Jesus tells us.
What is the forgiveness of sins?
If all of our politicians would follow this commandment we would truly find things working a lot better because it would remind us how bad it is to bear false witness.
What is the eighth?
Since I cannot by my own reason or strength believe in Jesus Christ my Lord or come to Him, I am reliant upon this.
What is the calling of the Holy Spirit?
Recently this petition has come under some controversy because the Pope has issues with the "lead us not into temptation" because some may struggle with the implication of God leading us into temptation but Luther spoke to this in his explanation within the Small Catechism by saying we may fall into these by our own sinful nature.
What is false belief and despair?
The significance of baptism is that this in us, together will all sins and evil desires, should be drowned by daily repentance and sorrow for sin, and be put to death and that the new person should come forth every day and rise to live before God in righteousness and purity forever.
What is the old Adam?
Though we may do this in order to prepare for the Lord's Supper it is not required, but we only need to simply believe the words of Christ which say, "given and shed for you for the forgiveness of sins."
What is fasting?