Using Line Plots
Standard Volume
Customary Units
Metric Units
Irregular Prisms
When viewing a line plot, this value is found by subtracting the smallest value on the line plot from the largest value on the line plot.
What is range?
This is the formula for standard volume. *Please use the proper vocabulary terms, not an abbreviation.
What is length x width x height?
The number of inches in a foot.
What is 12 inches?
This is the simple saying that can help you remember the order prefixes in the metric system.
What is King Henry Died Unexpectedly Drinking Chocolate Milk or King Henry Did Usually Drink Chocolate Milk?
When dealing with irregular prism you can break them into pieces to make regular prisms. This is the term for this process.
What is decompose?
When viewing a line plot, the value with the most x's (or greatest number of occurrences) would be referred to as this.
What is mode?
What would be the volume of a cube with sides measure 5 inches?
What is 125 inches cubed?
The number of feet in one yard.
What is 3 feet?
When moving from a smaller unit in the metric system to a larger unit, you would move the decimal point in this direction.
What is to the left?
When you break an irregular prism into multiple smaller parts you must find the sum of the volumes of these individual parts, this is because volume is _________.
What is additive?
In this arithmetic problem you would first add all of the values represented on a line plot, then divide by the numbers of values represented.
What is mean?
What would be the volume of a rectangular prism which measures 3m in length, 2m in width and 6m in height?
What is 36 meters cubed?
The number of feet and yards in a mile?
What is 5,280 ft and 1,760 yds?
What does the prefix kilo mean?
What is 1,000?
The smallest value on a line plot is 2/8. The largest value on the same line plot is 1. In simplest form, this would be the range of the line plot.
What is 3/4?
When using base area to find volume, you would find base area by multiplying length and width. The base area tells you this.
What is the number of cubes in a single layer of the shape?
9 inches is this fraction of a foot. *Please refer to your answer in simplest form.
What is 3/4?
You would use this metric unit for measuring minute organisms.
What is millimeters?
What would the volume of the following irregular prism: Part A: 30cm cubed Part B: 48cm cubed Part C: 12cm cubed
What is 90cm cubed?
This is the mode for the following set of data: 2/8, 1/8, 3/8, 3/8, 1/2, 5/8, 3/8, 7/8, 3/8
What is 3/8?
When using base area to find the volume of a shape you must multiply the base area times the number of layers within the figure. What measurement value represents the number of layers?
What is height?
Sam ran 1/2 mile on Monday, 3/4 mile Tuesday and 1/4 mile on Wednesday. This is the total number of feet Sam ran Mon-Wed.
What is 7,920 ft?
This metric unit of volume is most similar to gallons.
What is liters?
If you were to create a shape by combing three cubes, one with sides of 2cm, one with sides of 3 cm and one with sides of 5cm. This would be the resulting volume of this shape.
What is 160cm cubed?