Disney and Pixar
Name the Actor

Paul Rudd and Michael Douglas star in this Marvel movie about a shrinking suit. 

What is Ant Man


This terrifying A24 films is about a cursed, mummified hand that allows you to commune with the dead. It's all fun and games until one spirit doesn't want to let go. 

What is Talk to Me

Jason Statham starts in this recently released film about an elite assassin who knows his way around a hive. 

What is the Beekeeper


This 2008 film features a family of superheroes fighting against a maniacal wannabe. 

What is the Incredibles


Thor in Thor.

Who is Chris Hemsworth 


Thor shockingly decapitates Thanos in the opening scene of this epic Marvel Movie. 

What is Avengers: Endgame

Mr. Tyson has always said this is the scariest movie he's ever seen. It's about a family dealing with possession brought on by a secret demonic cult. 

What is Hereditary 


This wild and ridiculous film asks the question "What if Twister and Jaws were the same movie?" 

What is Sharknado 


This 1995 classic was the first Pixar movie released through Walt Disney Studios. It spawned three sequels over 25 years, with another set to come out in 2026

What is Toy Story


Neo in The Matrix

Who is Keanu Reeves


It's Mr. Tyson's favorite Marvel hero. Since 2001, he's been played by three different actors, all of whom appeared together in a 2021 film. 

Who is Spiderman


This 2002 film was a remake of a Japanese horror movie. It's about a cursed video tape and a malevolent spirit that can crawl through your tv screen.

What is The Ring


Keanu Reaves plays this hard hitting assassin who is called back into business after some bad guys killed his dog. 

Who is John Wick

This Disney and Pixar collaboration follows the adventures of a waste management robot who goes from a lonely life on a desolate earth to a galactic cruise ship full of lazy, helpless adults. 

What is WALL-E


The Joker in The Dark Night

Who is Heath Ledger

Turns out Steve Roger's best friend Bucky is still alive and brainwashed in this Captain America sequel. 

What is Captain America: The Winter Soldier.


This 2013 supernatural horror film was the terrifying first in a line of sequels and spinoffs, giving us characters such as The Nun and Annabelle. 

What is the Conjuring

Dwayne Johnson, Kevin Hart, Jack Black, and Karen Gillian starred in this remake of a 1995 Robin Williams classic about a haunted board game. 

What is Jumanji


This 2015 Disney and Pixar film asks the question: What if your emotions were alive? Filmmakers consulted with psychologists and neuroscientists in order to gave an accurate portrayal of the teenage mind. 

What is Inside Out


Aquaman in Aquaman

Who is Jason Mamoa 


"I'm Mary Poppins, y'all!" was a famous line from this 2017 sequel. 

What is Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2. 


This classic 1978 film featuring a silent, masked stalker is responsible for the popularization of slasher films throughout the 80s and 90s. The iconic music score features one of the most recognizable horror themes of all time. 

What is Halloween


Jack Black voices the titular character in this animated Dreamworks movie about kung-fu fighting animals. 

What is Kung Fu Panda


This 2004 Disney and Pixar film chronicles one father's adventure as he and a partner with short term memory loss desperately search for his kidnapped son. 

What is Finding Nemo


Freddy Mercury in Bohemian Rhapsody

Rami Malek