Food Safety
GMO foods
Lipids Proteins
You should wash your hands for this length of time before preparing food for others.
What is 20 seconds (or sing Happy Birthday twice)
Food that has been genetically modified has had what specifically done to it? *what exactly makes it genetically modified?
What is had specific changes introduced to its DNA.
The three biological molecules in food (and you) are:
Carbohydrates, Lipids, and Proteins.
The two general types of lipids discussed in our class.
What are fats and oils or saturated and unsaturated
The secretory gland in your mouth that secretes the digestive enzyme Amylase.
What is the Salivary Gland.
This is called the food DANGER ZONE, and it is the temperature range that food should not be kept at for longer than two hours.
What is 40-140 degrees F
These are crops that commonly contain GMO's in the United States.
What are corn, soybeans, cotton-seed and canola oil.
The simple sugar produced most commonly by plants and the basic building block for more complex carbohydrates):
What is Glucose
One gram of lipid provides this much more energy than one gram of carbohydrate.
What is twice as much.
Food is chemically and mechanically broken down in this part of your body.
What is the stomach.
The 3 types of food contamination.
What are Physical, Chemical, and Microbial.
The possible benefits for using GMO foods include these:
What are added vitamins and nutrients; plant resistant to pesticides, so less pesticides need to be sprayed on crops; plants grow faster, drought and temperature resistant; plants resistant to fungi, virus, and bacteria which can kill crops through infection.
The main sugar in fruit.
What is Fructose.
The two main functions of proteins.
What are structure and speed up chemical (biological) reactions via Enzymes.
Your body has several secretory organs - these organs main function is to do the following:
What is break down food chemically into individual molecules.
Match the following scenarios to a type of food contamination: 1. You clean your cat box and make a pop tart: 2. Strawberries from a region that sprays pesticides: 3. Water from a stream used to wash fruit: 4. Metal shards in ground beef:
What are: 1. Microbial 2. Chemical 3. Microbial and/or chemical 4. Physical
The possible negative effects from using GMO foods include these:
What are corporate control of seed market; possibly create new allergens; possible health risks to humans; possible negative impacts on environment.
Starch and cellulose (also known as dietary fiber) are what type of carbohydrate?
There are this many amino acids in nature and humans require this many from food sources.
What are 20 and 8. There 8 are commonly called "__________________" amino acids.
The part of your body where most nutrient absorption takes place.
What is the small intestine.
Match the symptoms and food sources to an FBI: 1. Ab cramps, vomiting - eggs and pasteurized milk 2. Dark urine, yellow skin - raw produce, nasty line-cook 3. Blurred vision, paralysis - improperly canned food.
What are: 1. Salmonella 2. Hepatitis A 3. Botulism
Name the GMO food that has been created by a non-profit based out of Europe which has had Vitamin A added to it in order to combat disease and malnutrition in third world counties.
What is Golden Rice.
The main function of starch serves as a food source: and List three food sources high in starch:
What is long-term energy supply. Rice, bread, potato, pasta...
The function of enzymes is this...
What is to speed up or catalyze chemical-biological reactions.
Your liver is responsible for producing this excretory compound that is stored in your gall bladder. and This chemical helps to break-down this type of food molecule so it can be absorbed into your bloodstream.
What is Bile. and What are Lipids.