Oh My

Information is organized in order of time.

What is Chronological Order?


Words that are chosen by an author to signal a change or show a relationship.

What are Signal Words?


Information is listed step by step.

What is Sequence/Process?


Question is..., Dilemma is..., To solve this..., One answer is...

What are Problem and Solution Signal Words?


however, in contrast, unlike, but, more than, both alike, also, similarly

What are Compare and Contrast Signal Words?


Tells how two things are similar and different.

What is Compare/Contrast?


Always, Normally, In general, Generally, In fact, All, Typically, Never

What are Generalization Signal Words?


An action and its results are explained.

What is Cause and Effect?


because, since, as a result, resulted, caused, affected, effect

What are Cause and Effect Signal Words?


Graphic Organizer for Compare and Contrast.

What is a Venn Diagram?


A broad statement about a whole group.

What is Generalization?


A set of characteristics, facts and details about a specific topic.

What is Description?


A graphic organizer for Chronological Order.

What is a Timeline?


For instance, in addition, another, such as, for example

What are Description Definition Signal Words?


before, after, first, next, then, later, finally, the next day, during

What are Chronological Order or Sequence Signal Words?


A problem is introduced and solutions are presented.

What is Problem and Solution?


This morning was crazy. My alarm clock was set for PM instead of AM, so I woke up really late. I just threw on some clothes and ran out the door. I rode my bike as fast as I could and thought that I was going to be late for sure, but when I got there everyone was outside and there were firetrucks all lined up in front of school. I guess somebody pulled the fire alarm before class started. It worked out though, because nobody really noticed or minded that I was tardy.

What is Chronological Order?


All matter, all things can be changed in two ways: chemically and physically. Both chemical and physical changes affect the state of matter. Physical changes are those that do not change the make-up or identity of the matter. For example, clay will bend or flatten if squeezed, but it will still be clay. Changing the shape of clay is a physical change, and does not change the matter's identity. Chemical changes turn the matter into a new kind of matter with different properties. For example, when paper is burnt, it becomes ash and will never be paper again. The difference is that physical changes are temporary or only last for a little while. Chemical changes are permanent, which means they last forever. Physical and chemical changes both affect the state of matter.

What is Compare and Contrast?


Don't let the tigers vanish. These majestic beasts are disappearing at an alarming rate. We should write to our congress people. If we let them know that we demand the preservation of this species, maybe we can make a difference. We should also donate some of our money to Save the Tigers. Help support those who fight the hardest to preserve the tigers. We owe it to our grandchildren to do something.

What is Problem and Solution?


Before applying the screen protector, clean the surface of your phone's screen with a soft cloth. Once the surface of your screen is clean, remove the paper backing on the screen protector. Evenly apply the sticky side of the screen protector to your phone's screen. Smooth out any air bubble trapped on between the protector and the phone screen. Enjoy the added protection.

What is Sequence/Process?