Exercise + Fitness
Planning a Fitness Program
Basic Components Of Physical Fitness
Body Composition
Physcal Challenges
Give 2 reasons of the benefits of exercise.
1) provides health benefits 2)strenghthen physical, mental and social wellbeing
What are the 3 principles for an effective workout.
What is Overload, progression and specificity
The amont of force a muscle can exert.
What is Muscular strenght
The Ability to carry out daily tasks easily and have enough reserve energy to respond to unepected demands.
Physical Fitness
10 Jumping Jacks
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(Blank) out of (Blank) american adults and (blank) out of (blank) teens are overweight in america. (HINT: If you cant figure out the blanks mean fill them in then i'll tell you now. They mean fill them in... Do It)
1 3 1 5
Give 3 of the ways for selecting the right activity.
What is Where you live, your range of health, your level of health, time and place, personal safety, and comprehensive planning.
The ability to move a part of the body through a full range of motions.
What is Flexibility
25% or more for males and 30% or more for females is considered what. (%=BMI Percentage)
25% for males and 30% for females is overweight
10 Sit Ups
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Where do you get energy from
What is food
Engagng in activity that prepares the muscles for the work that is to come, Raising your body temperature are both important things that comes from doing what before the actual exercise.
What is Warming up.
Ratio of Body Fat to lean Body tissue, including muscle, bone, water and connective tissue such as ligaments, cartilage and tendons.
What is Body Composition
15-25% bmi is what?
Average BMI percentage for males and females alike
3 Minute Step Test
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Overwieght is related to what 2 problems?
What is Metabolism and basal metabolism
3-4 times a week you should what?
What is working out
The ability of the muscles to do different physical tasks over a period of time without causing fatigue.
What is Muscular Endurance
Three ways to measure body fat are: (hint:theres four all together)
What is BMI, Electrical Impulses, Underwater Weighing and Skin Caliper.
10 Pushups (Must be fully down to the floor)
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Obesity and overweight have both been linked to what disease?
What is heart disease
To improve fitness you need to work your muscles and cardio respiratory system at a level that permits you to acheive overload. This is known as what?
What is Intensity
The ability of the heart, lungs and blood vessels to send fuel and oxygen to the body's tissues during long periods of activity.
What is Cardiorespiratory Endurance
What are some reasons people exercise and attempt to stay healthy? (Question is open-ended and must give at least 2 real answers)
Open ended figure it out... "Knock Knock" "Who's There?" "Me, so open up" "Why" "Do It"
5 Clap Pushups (must be fully down to the floor)
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