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The animal with the most powerful bite in the world.

What is the Hippopotamus?

Considering these animals are herbivores, their chewing power is up to 1,800 psi. They are territorial, can open their mouths 180 degrees and have been reported to killing an estimated 500 people per year in Africa.


What Happens Here, Stays Here is a slogan and advertising campaign for this city.

What is Las Vegas, Nevada?


A Mediterranean sauce made of garlic and olive oil; in some regions other emulsifiers such as egg are used.

What is Aioli?


The nut used to make Marzipan.

What is Almonds?


99% of a panda's diet.

What is Bamboo?

Bamboo is toxic to humans if eaten raw.


Lemurs are only native to this country.

What is Madagascar?

If you've seen the animated movie you might know this. Lemurs may have floated there on bunches of vegetation and thrived in isolation.


The name of a female Donkey, if the male is called Jack.

What is Jennet or Jenny ?


The only flavour of Jell-O containing real fruit.

What is Cranberry?


Anfield is the legendary stadium to this English football club.

What is Liverpool FC?


A flightless bird, that's also the emblem of New Zealand.

What is the Kiwi?

New Zealand is the only place that cute Kiwi birds live.


The amount of time it takes a sloth to digest its food.

What is Two weeks?

Sloths are known for moving very slowly. It takes 30 days for them to digest one leaf!


A team winter sport that involves making timed runs down narrow, twisting, banked, iced tracks in a gravity-powered sleigh.

What is Bobsleigh or bobsled?


The ingredient that makes a soufflé rise.

What is eggs?


A group of Hippos.

What is a bloat?


The material a Rhinoceros' horns are made of.

What is hair?

The horns are made of keratin which is the same substance that makes our hair.


The most venomous snake in the world.

What is the Inland taipan?

Bites from this species have a mortality rate of 80% if left untreated, although it is very rare for this species to bite. This species is known to be a very shy, reclusive and a laid-back snake that will nearly always slither away from disturbance. It is not an aggressive species and rarely strikes.


Einstein never wore these, if he could avoid it.

What is socks?


An affogato is an Italian dessert of Coffee and this.

What is Ice Cream?


The driest continent.

What is Antarctica?

Yes, Antarctica is covered in frozen ice, but that doesn't mean it's moist.


An animal that's illegal to tease in Minnesota.

What are skunks?

No one wants to smell skunk spray so its no wonder that you're not allowed to annoy these stinky animals.


The mammal with the thickest fur.

What is the Sea Otter?

This is a surprising fact as you would probably think a land mammal would have the thickest fur. They have been hunted extensively for their dense and water resistant furs endangering their species.


Aichmophobia is the fear of this.

What is fear of needles or pointed objects?


The type of pasta that translates to "Little Worms".

What is Vermicelli?

Vermicelli is a long and thin pasta. In Italy, the pasta is thicker than the usual spaghetti. But, in the USA, the pasta is thinner.


The only Beatles song to be banned from the BBC for its lyrics.

What is I am the Walrus?

It was banned due to the lyric "Girl, you let your knickers down".



(Whichever team get closest to the correct answer, goes with the 500 points):

The amount of percent of DNA humans share with slugs.

What is 0.70 %?