Skill Acquisition Part 1
Skill Acquisition Part 2
Behavior Reduction
Stimuli, Pen, Datasheet, Reinforcement
What is prepping for data collection
When defining behavior, all definitions should be both observable and __________. This way, we can see the behavior AND collect data.
What is measureable
This type of plan has an SD, Target, Number of trials
What is skill acquisition plan
Mrs. AJ is working with a client on touching a picture of an apple when given the instruction "touch apple". When the client touches apple, he gets tickles. When he does NOT touch apple, he gets nothing. This is an example of ______ training.
What is discrimination training
SD, Target, Number of trials These are the essential components of what type of plan?
What is behavior reduction
Measurement method in which the number of occurrences of behavior are recorded. This can be done by collecting tally marks.
What is Frequency
This is a type of preference assessment in which all stimuli are presented at one time and the learner can pick one.
What is multiple stimulus without replacement
These are the things you need to teach: "Do this" + bang hammer "Do this" + block in bucket "Let's play!"
What is hammer, bucket, blocks, toys, reinforcement, datasheet, pen
Mrs. AJ is holding an example of this: (See worksheet)
What is stimulus fading
The four functions of behavior:______, ______, _____, _____
What is attention, escape, tangible, and automatic
This is a version of time sampling in which behavior is recorded if the target behavior occurred at ANY point during the interval.
What is partial interval time sampling
This type of data is collected using +, -, and NR(no response).
What is probe data
Food is an example of _____ reinforcement. Plasma cars is an example of _______ reinforcement.
What is unconditioned ; conditioned.
This is an example of this type of chaining procedure: Morning Routine: Greet peers / Adults (START TEACHING HERE) Put away backpack Take out folder Go to table Begin task
What is Forward chaining
Consider this: ANTCEDENT--> BEHAVIOR --> CONSEQUENCE Jack will stim on the calendar numbers, so Ms. Jenny has him sit with his back to the calendar so that he will not visually stim on the numbers. This an example of behavior intervention _____ - based intervention
What is antecedent
This type of data collection that is measured after a behavior has occurred and has produced some change in the environment.
What is permanent product data collection
The BCBA asks you to help with an assessment on problem behavior. She asks you to give Billy an instruction. If he engages in problem behavior, you say "ok, you don't have to do it". This is the reason why we are conducting this assessment.
What is determining the function
SD --> Response --> Reinforcement
What is discrete trial
verbal gesture partial model model partial physical full physical This is an example of this type of prompting strategy
What is least to most
This a behavior reduction procedure in which something other than the problem behavior is reinforced.
What is differential reinforcement
An RBT is sometimes asked to graph data. Here is a sample graph (see drawing from Mrs. AJ). The y-axis displays the behavior being graphed. This what the x-axis displays.
What is time or dates
These are the four functions of behavior
What is attention, escape, tangible, automatic
Discrete trial teaching (DTT) occurs when the ADULT initiates the trial. This type of teaching occurs when the CHILD initiates the trial.
What is naturalistic teaching
Samantha can mark on paper with a crayon and a marker. You give her a paintbrush and she does not know what to do. She is struggling with learning to mark on paper with a paintbrush due to a lack of ______ of skills.
What is generalization
Sally was riding the plasma car. She fell off and broke her leg. This is the person you immediately tell next.
What is your supervisor.