Coping Skills
Asking for Help
Being Assertive

What are body clues that someone is feeling calm?

Sitting still, relaxed face and body, slow heart rate, comfortable body temperature.


What is a coping skill

Something that we do in order to manage uncomfortable feelings.


Name three people who support you.

Parents, teachers, friends, counselors/ social workers, nurse, classroom helpers, siblings, ect.


What is a strength

Something about us that we are proud of.


What does being assertive mean?

Communicating or speaking to others clearly and politely.


Name four comfortable feelings

Feelings can include: happy, calm, at ease, relaxed, excited, ect.


Name two coping skills you can use completely on your own, without any objects, support, or adult permission

deep breathing, flexible thinking, inner coach or positive self talk, stretching


How do you know when you need help with something?

Unable to move on to next step to solve your problem, your behavior does not represent your best self, you are uncomfortable and unable to feel better on your own.


What strengths to we appreciate in other people

Kindness, patience, humor, caring, ect.


What does being assertive look like?

Head up, looking at who we are speaking to, talking in a calm tone with a clear, indoor voice.


Name four uncomfortable feelings

Mad, sad, nervous, scared, embarrassed, upset, ect.


What is a coping skills you can use when you are mad?

Exercise, breathing, stress ball or fidget, talking to someone, ect.


Give an example of asking for help in an assertive way.

I feel upset/ uncomfortable/ confused. I need help, please.


Name three of your personal strengths

kind, nice, caring, helpful, respectful, ect.


What are the three communication styles?

Assertive, Aggressive, and Passive


Predict how someone would feel if: they tripped and fell carrying their lunch tray in the cafeteria

embarrassed, sad, upset, mad, frustrated, ect.


What is a coping skills you can use when you are sad?

Talking to someone, taking a walk, positive self talk, flexible thinking, spending time with a friend, ect.


Name three times you may need help from someone.

math/ reading/ writing/ decision making/ managing my feelings/ ect.


Name three things you would like to become better at

sports, art, math, reading, writing, talking to friends, making friends, ect.


Name this communication style: "I hate this! It is stupid!"



Predict the size of someone's feelings: they forgot their band instrument at home and can't practice a month before the concert. 

small to medium problem- reschedule their lesson with the band teacher, use a loaner. Will need to ask an adult to solve the problem, but can be managed.


What is a coping skill you can use when you are distracted or having trouble paying attention?

Breathing, self talk, asking for help, taking a five minute break and returning to task, using a small handheld fidget.


Name three different areas you may need help with

Feelings, school work, friends


How do we know what our strengths are?

We practice them on purpose, our actions towards others, what people tell us we are good at.


Give an example of an assertive statement.

I feel____ when ______ I would like/ please _____. Or other statement that reflects what we want need in a polite manner.